Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel
Ohio State TreasurerMandelis a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofOH.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 81st Combat Veterans For Congress; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who opposes the gridlock and partisanship in Washington, advocates limited government, will work to rein in the out of control spending by the Obama Administration, supports the free enterprise system, will work to create jobs, and stimulate business investment. Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel, Sgt-USMC (R-OH-Senate) http://www.joshmandel.com who resides in Lyndhurst, Ohio served 8 years in the US Marine Corps Reserve, including two combat tours of duty in Iraq. He is running for election in the US Senate against one of the most liberal Senators, one term Senator Sherrod Brown who votes with Barrack Obama 95% of the time is a tax/spend/borrow career politician, who supported & voted for the irresponsible out of control spending in Congress, has not relieved the tax burden on his constituents, and has invariably voted not only to uphold abortion-on-demand, but continues using tax dollars to pay for it. Josh Mandel was born on September 27, 1977 in Cleveland, Ohio and grew up in Cleveland. He graduated from Beachwood High School, Beachwood, Ohio in June 1996; he was the quarterback of the football team. He attended Ohio State University and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications in June 2000. Josh subsequently attended Case Western Reserve University of Law and obtained a Juris Doctorate Degree (JD) in June 2003.
In June 2000 Josh Mandel enlisted in the US Marine Corps Reserve and was sworn in as a Private Recruit; he entered boot camp at the US Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Paris Island, North Carolina and completed training standing first in his class in June 2000. PFC Mandel then entered the US Marine Corps Intelligence School at Quantico, Virginia and stood first in his class. In February 2004 he deployed to AL Anbar Province, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom serving with a US Marine Corps Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion during combat operations, and returned to CONUS in November 2004. In January 2007, Cpl Mandel deployed on his second combat tour in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to Haditha, Iraq as part of the surge and was attached to a US Marine Infantry Battalion; he returned to CONUS in January 2008. In June 2008 Sgt Mandel he was Honorably Discharged after 8 years of honorable service to the Republic. His medals and awards include the Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and various service and campaign medals.
Josh was first elected to the City Council of Lyndhurst in 2003, and led the charge to pass the first ever property tax rollback; he served on the Lyndhurst City Council until 2007. Josh was elected as an Ohio State Representative from the 17th Ohio District in 2006, and was re-elected to a second term in 2008. During his four years in the state legislature, he devoted a significant amount of time toward restoring fiscal sanity to government, expanding school choice, improving the state’s business climate thru free market principals, and protected family values. In 2011, Josh was elected as the 48th Ohio State Treasurer. He has earned the highest possible rating from Standard & Poor’s for the manner in which he manages the $4 billion Ohio Government Investment Fund; the fund is up $2.3 billion from the day he took office. The improvement in the financial structure of the of the Ohio Government Investment Fund occurred while the US Credit rating was downgraded twice as a result of poor financial management by the Obama Administration. Josh campaigned for and won the Republican nomination to run for the US Senate seat held by Senator Sherrod Brown on March 6, 2012. Josh Mandel has been endorsed by the Republican Party of Ohio, by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH-4), the Club for Growth, Conservative Commentator Hugh Hewitt, Ohio Veterans United, the National Defense PAC, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, various Ohio Tea Party Leaders, and Conservative Commentator Mark Levin. Josh is a member of the NRA, the VFW, the American Legion, the Alumni Association of Ohio State University, the Alumni Association of Case Western Reserve University, Ohio Veterans United, and the Republican Party of Ohio; he has been married to his wife Ilana for 4 years and they attend the Green Road Synagogue in Beachwood, Ohio.
The Combat Veteran’s For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel, Sgt-USMC (R-OH-Senate) who would bring to the US Senate extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent Ohio and the country. If you review former Sgt Mandel’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with former Sgt Mandel, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the State Ohio, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Ohio State Treasurer Mandel by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable “to the United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”