Maj Cristov Dosev
MajDosevis a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofFL.Active Status:Retired

Combat Veterans For Congress---Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 106th Combat Veterans For Congress in the last 8 years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, will work to reduce the national debt, and will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, to create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment. He believes in an efficient government that serves the people and upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency. Maj Cristov Dosev, USMCR of Pensacola, Florida is running in the primary election to seek the Republican nomination to run for the 1st Congressional District of Florida for the seat currently represented by Cong Jeff Miller (R-FL-1) who is not seeking re-election.
Cristov Dosev was born on October 27, 1961 in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in Chicago, Illinois. Cris graduated from Albert G. Lane Technical High School in Chicago, Illinois in June 1979. He graduated with Honors earning a Bachelor of Land Surveying Degree from the College of Civil Engineering, at the University of Florida, Gainesville in April of 1984. Cris is a member of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. He was the NROTC Unit Battalion Commander and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps upon graduation in April 1984.
On April 28, 1984, as the Battalion Commander of the NROTC Unit at the University of Florida, Cristov Dosev was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. On May 15, 1984, 2nd Lt Dosev reported to the Basic School, US Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, graduating in November 1984. Following the completion of Officer Basic School in November 1984, 2nd Lt Dosev was medically qualified for flight training and reported to Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL for basic flight training in November 29, 1984, was assigned as an Instructor at Aircrew Training Swim Facility until primary flight training began, and reported for primary flight training in April 1, 1985. On April 11, 1986, 2nd Lt Dosev was awarded Naval Flight Officer Wings; he was promoted to First Lieutenant on April 30, 1986. On May 2, 1986, 1st Lt Dosev reported to the Fleet Replacement Squadron, VA-128, Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, WA, as an A-6 Intruder designated Bombardier/Navigator.
In June 1987, 1st Lt Dosev reported to Marine All Weather Attach Squadron 224, VMA(AW)-224, the Fighting Bengals Squadron, at US Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Cherry Point, NC, where over the next 4 years he accumulated 1,300 flight hours in the A-6 Intruder. He participated in 2 Red Flag Training Events at the US Air Force Base, Nellis, NV; was involved in a Heavy Weapons Deployments at Marine Corp Air Station, Yuma, AZ; deployed to participate in 2 Cope Thunder Operations at Cubi Point, Philippines. 2nd Lt Dosev next departed for MCAS Iwakuni, Japan for his first Western Pacific Deployment to participate in Operation Team Spirit 1988 from October 20, 1987 to April 11, 1988 in South Korea. 2nd Lt Dosev next departed for RAAF Curtin in Western Australia on his second Western Pacific Deployment to participate in Operation Kangaroo 1989 from April 3, 1989 to October 6, 1989 in defense of South Korea. On October 31, 1989, 2nd Lt Dosev was promoted to Captain.
On August 23, 1990, the Fighting Bengals Squadron, deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm from MCAS, Cherry Point on a transatlantic flight, via Rota Spain, to Sheikh Issa Air Base in Bahrain. Cpt Dosev was assigned as the Assistant Operations/Plans Officer for multiple–squadron plans. He immediately assigned the mission to assess the anti-armor defense plan for Saudi Arabia, and was sent by helicopter to the Kuwait/Saudi Arabia border to conduct an evaluation. He assessed ordnance and electronic-warfare requirements and planned and executed strategic strikes and other combat missions in support of ground operations in southern Iraq and Kuwait. He planned and executed the surface combat air patrol in defense of the first aircraft carrier to enter the Persian Gulf, the USS Independence (CVA-62), on October 2, 1990 enroute to the northern Persian Gulf to execute air assaults on Iraqi forces occupying Kuwait.
Cpt Dosev was tasked with planning and coordinating, the First Day-Wave One, deep air strike strategic bombing missions on Talil Airbase, Iraq, as the Mission Commander. He flew his first Strategic Bombing mission on Iraq on January 19,1991 and continued multiple attack operations through January 21, 1919. He was assigned to fly the alert mission in defense of the US Marines engaged in Khafji, Saudi Arabia. From January 23 to February 20, 1991, Cpt Dosev Flew multiple air strike interdiction missions during the Battlefield Prep Air Phase to soften up the Iraqi defenses, in preparation of the ground assault at selected breach points for the 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions. From February 21 to February 25, 1991, he flew multiple missions in the Ground Assault Phase against Iraqi forces throughout Kuwait. On February 26, Cpt Dosev flew multiple strike missions against Iraqi Forces fleeing from Kuwait City on the highway north to Basra, Iraq (on the Highway of Death). For flying 30 combat missions in support of the ground assault operations and for liberation of Kuwait, Cpt Dosev was awarded three Air Medals (1st through 3rd strike/flight awards), the Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat “V” (Gold Star in lieu of second award), the Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Navy Marine Corps Unit Commendation, and various Campaign, and Service Medals.
In June 1991, Cpt Dosev reported to the US Military Processing Center at the US Naval Base, Great Lakes, Illinois as a Command Military Training Officer. In April 1992, Cpt Dosev reported at Marine Officer Instructor and Battalion Advisor to NROTC Units at Northwest University, and Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois. He was also an Assistant Professor of Naval Science in courses taught on the Evolution of Warfare and Amphibious Warfare. In the summer of 1993, Cpt Dosev was assigned as a Platoon Leader for Golf Company, at Officer Candidate School, US Marine Base, Quantico, VA. Cpt Dosev was Honorably Discharged from the US Marine Corps on September 1, 1994; he accepted a commission in the US Marine Corps Reserve on September 2, 1914. Cpt Dosev was promoted to Major on October 1, 1995; he was Honorably Discharged from the US Marine Corps Reserve on October 1, 2004.
In October 1994, following his release from active duty, Cris formed Mardoc Management, LLC. As a small business owner/sole proprietor over the past 20 years, he financed over $25 million dollar worth of investment projects. He acquired over 575 single family units, consisting of a combination of rental properties for rehabilitation, and the development of condominiums. On June 8, 2005, Cris co-founded the non-profit Wounded Heroes Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, that assists returning wounded veterans of the War on Terror operations. They have raised $1,500,000, and distributed grants, housing, and vehicles to hundreds of returning veterans in need. The Wounded Heroes Foundation now partners with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago in providing summer camp that allows wounded veterans to participate in Paralympic sports. In 2008, Cris received the Community Star Award presented by the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce in Park Ridge, Illinois.
Cris Dosev has also been endorsed by 34th Commandant of the US Marine Corps, General Jerry T. Conway, USMC (Ret), the Eagle Forum, Elaine Donnelly who is President of the Center For Military Readiness, and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. Cris Dosev and his wife Lisa of 30 years, sons Nikolai age 28, 1st Lt Vincent (USMC) age 25, & Cristov age 23, daughters Anna age 20, Gabrielle age 17, Carmen age 15, Maria age 13, & Sophia age 10 are member of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart , Pensacola, FL. He is a Past Grand Knight, Maria Council, Knights of Columbus, Park Ridge, Illinois, and Past Grand Knight of Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Council, Knights of Columbus, Pensacola, Illinois. He is a member of the American Legion, a life member of the VFW, the NRA, Marine Corps League, Navy League, Civil Air Patrol, University of Florida Alumni Association, a board member of the Catholic Citizens of Illinois since 2001, and the National Advisory Board Women’s (crisis pregnancy) Center of Greater Chicagoland since 2000.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse former Major Cristov Dosev, USMCR who will bring to Congress private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the 1st Congressional District of Florida and the Republic. If you review Maj Dosev’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Maj Dosev, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 1st Congressional District of Florida, kindly send this link to them, and ask them to support Maj Dosev by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”