Maj Brian Rooney
MajRooneyis a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofMI.Active Status:Reserve

Major Brian Rooney, USMCR of Dexter, Michigan is running in the 7th Congressional District of
Michigan. He is running against a first term Democrat incumbent, Cong Mark
Schauer (D-MI-7) who has been voting in lock-step with the Pelosi Congress,
for the Stimulus Bill, Omnibus Bill, Cap and Trade Bill, and the flawed 2700
page Health Care Bill. Brian Rooney was born in 1972 in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania into a famous football family. His grandfather, Art Rooney,
one of professional football's most storied families-founded the Pittsburgh
Steelers. In June 1991, Brian completed high school when he graduated from
The Benjamin School in North Palm Beach, Florida. Brian is more than just a
fan of the Pittsburg Steelers and a Steelers Board Member, he played four
years as a student-athlete on a NCAA Division III football team at Williams
College in Williamstown, Massachusetts; his football team went undefeated in
his senior year. In June 1995 Brian graduated from Williams College; he
subsequently studied Constitutional Law at Florida State University, College
of Law, in Tallahassee and received his Juris Doctorate Degree (with honors)
in June 1999. .
In the summer of 1998, while still matriculating at Florida State
University, Brian entered the US Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course at
Officer's Candidate School in Quantico, VA; he was commissioned a 2nd
Lieutenant in August 1998. Following Basic Officer's Course in Quantico in
October 2000, and the Naval Justice School in Newport, RI in December of
2000, Lt Rooney was assigned to the Joint Law Center, Marine Corps Air
Station, Yuma, AZ in January 2001, and was subsequently promoted to Captain
in August 2001. Capt Rooney was transferred to MCAS Miramar, CA in August
2003 and assigned as the Senior Prosecutor in the Military Justice System on
base. In 2004, Capt Rooney deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom with the
Third Marine Air Wing to Iraq where he was assigned to the 11th Marine
Expeditionary Unit in Najaf, then following the second battle of Fallujah,
he reported to the Regimental Combat Team with the 1st Marine Division.
After Congressman Murtha falsely accused Lt Col. Jeffrey Chessani, a
Battalion CO, and a number of the US Marines under his command with
criminally killing Iraqi civilians in Haditha, Iraq; Capt Rooney was asked
to join the prosecution, instead he resigned his active duty commission on
October 1, 2006 in the US Marine Corps and accepted a commission in the US
Marine Corps Reserve. He was selected as Lt. Col Chessani Defense Counsel,
and due to Capt Rooney's diligent efforts, all charges against Lt. Col.
Chessani were dropped. Capt Rooney was subsequently promoted to Major; his
awards for combat service are the Naval Unit Commendation Ribbon, one of 3
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, is eligible for the Combat Action
Ribbon, and received multiple campaign service medals.
After resigning his active duty US Marine Corps commission, Brian
Rooney moved his family from San Diego, CA to Ann Arbor, MI and accepted a
position at the Thomas More Law Center to help defend the same conservative
philosophy he fought for in Iraq. The Catholic Law Firm is a non-profit
firm dedicated to defending the sanctity of life, traditional family values,
religious freedom for Christians, and maintaining a strong national defense.
Brian accepted a position as attorney and spokesman at the Thomas More Law
Center to help raise awareness for the conservative constitutional issues
advocated by the Law Center.
Maj Brian Rooney and his wife Tiffany have 3 children at home.
Brian's brother is Congressman Thomas Rooney's (R-Fl-16) and a US Army
veteran. Maj Rooney is currently a member of Saint Joseph's Catholic Church
in Dexter, a member of the VFW, the American Legion, the Catholic War
Veterans, the Disabled American Veterans, and the Knights of Columbus. The
Major has been endorsed by the Iraqi Vets for Congress, RADM Jeremiah
Denton, USN (Ret), the FedUPUSA Tea Party Patriots, Congressman Tom Rooney
(D-FL-16), Jackson County Sheriff Dan Heyns, Jackson County Prosecutor Hank
Zavislak, the Eagle Forum of Michigan, the National Eagle Forum, former
Michigan State Senator Phil Hoffman, former Michigan State House
Representative Clark Bisbee, Tom Monaghan (Founder Domino Pizza & Ave
Maria), and Richard Thompson (President & Chief Counsel, Thomas More Law
Center & 24 year Oakland County Prosecutor). If you review Major Brian
Rooney positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stand; they
agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look
forward to working with Maj Rooney, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of
his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or
relatives who know voters in the 7th Congressional District of Michigan,
kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Major Rooney by
working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any
amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his