LTC Daniel Gade
LTCGadeis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofVA.Active Status:Retired

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 124th Combat Veteran For Congress in 10 years; LTC Daniel M. Gade, USMA ’97, USA (Ret) (Ranger) (WW) PhD is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of the Senate and, will support The Free Enterprise System, and considers the Socialist agenda being proposed by the Democrat Party as a threat to the founding principles of the Republic. LTC Gade, who resides in Alexandria, VA with a combined 20 years of service in the US Army; he was retired and Honorably Discharged as a Wounded Warrior as the result of the loss of his right leg at the hip during combat action in Afghanistan. He is running to be elected in the Republican Primary against former Congressman Scott Taylor to take on two term Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) in the general election.
LTC Gade understands issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and will ensure they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement as Veterans. He will support securing the southern border, in order to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, and Illegal Aliens who try to enter the United States illegally by the thousands each month.
LTC Gade is running for election against the liberal and progressive two term Senator Warner, who voted against reducing personal income tax, against closing the wide-open southern border, and voted to support a number of gun control measures that negatively affect provisions of the Second Amendment. Senator Warner supports free public college, government health care for Illegal Aliens while 40,000 Veterans are sleeping on the streets with no healthcare, supports Medicare for all which is support for government controlled Universal Health Care.
Senator Warner co-authored The Equality Act that all religious leaders nationally oppose for infringing and discriminating on the religious liberty of Americans, women’s right groups opposed the Act because it forces women to share private intimate spaces with men who identify as females, and female athletes have been aggressively opposing the Act because it allows men who identify as women, to compete unfairly in women’s individual track and field events.
Daniel Gade was born on February 7, 1975 in Minot, ND. Daniel comes from a long line of family members who served in the US Armed Forces; his grandfather served in the US Navy right after WWII. His father was an enlisted infantry soldier in the Vietnam conflict, and was wounded in action. Dan’s older brother was a US army Black Hawk pilot, and his younger brother enlisted in the US Army. Dan was raised on a small farm in North Dakota; he played varsity football, enlisted in the US Army Reserve on April 27, 1992 in the Army Enlistment Office in Fargo, ND as Combat Medic, and graduated from Minot High School in Minot in June 1993.
Dan received an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point, NY and entered as a Cadet in June 1993. In the summer of 1995, Cadet Gade completed training and graduated from Air Assault School. On May 31, 1997, Cadet Gade graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science. In June 2007, Major Gade received a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. In June 2011, Major Gade received a Doctorate’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.
Cadet Gade was sworn into the US Army as a Second Lieutenant as an Armor Officer on May 31, 1997 at the US Military Academy, West Point. In July 1997, 2LT Gade reported to the US Army Armor Officer Basic Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Upon completion of Armor training , 2LT Gade was assigned to the Scout Platoon Leaders Course, then to Airborne School at Fort Benning. In January 1998, he reported as a Tank Platoon Leader, in the 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment. He later served as a Scout Platoon Leader.
In January 1999, 2nd LT Gade was promoted to First Lieutenant. In the summer of 1999, 1st LT Gade was selected to be Aide-de-Camp to the Deputy Commanding General of Fort Carson, CO. In June of 2000, 1st LT Gade was promoted to Captain, and received orders to report to US Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School in Quantico, VA, graduating in May 2001. On September 10, 2001, CPT Gade reported to Army Ranger School, graduating as the Distinguished Honor Grad and Officer Honor Grad in November 2001. In December 2001, CPT Gade received orders to Camp Casey, Korea as a brigade staff officer in the 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. In January 7, 2003, CPT Gade took command of a tank company in 2nd Battalion, 72nd Armor Regiment in Korea; he was responsible for training and combat employment of up to 200 soldiers in Korea, then in Iraq when deployed.
On August 4, 2003, Capt Gade deployed with the 2nd Infantry Division in command of a tank company in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to Kuwait then to Ramadi, Iraq at the end of August. During his tour, CPT Gade was responsible for dozens of raids and hundreds of individual patrols, including personally leading combat patrols. On November 10, 2004, Capt Gade was wounded in a firefight by an RPG in downtown Ramadi; he was decorated for valor with a Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V”), a Purple Heart Medal, an Army Commendation Medal (with Combat “V”), and the Combat Action Badge.
On January 10, 2005, CPT Gade was wounded a second time by an IED, and was evacuated from theatre to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC, where he clung to life for several weeks in the Intensive Care Unit, enduring more than 40 surgeries and the amputation of his right leg at the hip. He was in Walter Reed as an inpatient and outpatient for 11 months. Despite the loss of his right leg, and other serious combat wounds, CPT Gade decided to remain on active duty.
One year after being wounded, CPT Gade began his Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, graduating in 2007. Following graduation in June 2007, MAJ Gade received orders to report to the Bush White House as the Associate Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, where he was responsible for Wounded Warrior Policy.
In 2008, he returned to the University of Georgia for his PhD in Public Policy and Administration, graduating in 2011. He then reported to West Point as an instructor (later Assistant Professor) in the Social Sciences Department, where he taught political science and economics.
In June 2013, MAJ Cade was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He competed in the “Race Across America” cycling race, covering the 3,000 miles from San Diego to Annapolis in eight days as part of a four-man team. In 2014, LTC Gade was selected to become the Deputy Director of the Character Development Center at the US Military Academy, at West Point and the Course Director of The Capstone Leader Development Course. LTC Gade retired from the US Army on May 1, 2017.
LTC Gade’s awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V”), the Purple Heart Medal (2nd Award), Meritorious Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Commendation Medal (with Combat “V”), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), the Overseas Service Ribbon, Combat Infantryman Badge, Ranger Tab, Combat Action Tab, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Presidential Service Badge, and various Service & Campaign Medals.
Following LTC Gade’s retirement from the US Army on May 1, 2017, and he accepted a political appointment in the Trump Administration as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Labor for Veterans employment issues. In January 2019, LTC (Retired) Gade accepted a position as an Executive in Residence at American University in Washington, DC.
LTC GADE is a member of the NRA, VFW, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the West Point Alumni Association, and the University of Georgia Alumni Association. LTC Gade has been endorsed by former Asst Vice Chief of Staff USAF, LTG Thomas G. McInerney, USMA'59, USAF (Ret), Morton Blackwell the President/Co-Founder of the Leadership Institute and the Republican National Committeeman for Virginia, MajGen Paul E. Vallely, USMA'61, USA (Ret) Chairman Stand Up America US Foundation, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy and the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development John Knuble, USNA ’62, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, Special Operations Speaks PAC, and National Vietnam & Gulf War PAC.
LTC Gade has published a variety of academic and general publication articles about wounded warrior and veteran policy, and has remained active in efforts to improve veteran policy, including co-founding a multi-million dollar randomized control trial to test incentives in the veteran recovery process.
He and his wife Wendy, have been married for over 20 years and they homeschooled their three children; their daughter, Anna Grace, age 17, and their twin sons, William & Tyler, age 11; the family attends and are active members of Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse LTC Daniel M. Gade, USA (Ret) (Ranger) (Wounded Warrior) who will bring to Congress his extensive experience in public policy, Veterans and military transition experience, and common sense to better solve problems in government and represent Virginia and the Republic. If you review LTC Gade’s positions on his website, you will be pleased with his policy positions; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with LTC Gade, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Virginia, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support LTC Gade by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”