Cpt Joseph Randolph Randy Loftin
CptLoftinis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofCA.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 79th Combat Veteran For
Congress; he is a fiscal conservative, supports the 2nd Amendment, believes in limited
government, is pro-life, will work to rein in the out-of-control spending by the Obama
Administration, and will protect and defend the US Constitution. Cpt Joseph
Randolph “Randy” Loftin, USAR (R-CA-5) http://www.loftinforcongress.com resides in
Napa, California, served 7 years in the US Army, and is running for the Congressional seat
in the reapportioned 5th Congressional District. Captain Loftin is running for the
Congressional seat that is open with no incumbent, but 7 term Congressman Mike
Thompson, (D-CA-1), the infamous “ Baghdad Mike” who criticized President Bush when
he was in Iraq visiting Saddam Hussein with two other Democrat Congressman just before
Operation Iraqi Freedom, and who has been supporting the out of control and
irresponsible spending by the Pelosi Congress and the Obama Administration for the last 6
years will run in the new 5th Congressional District against Cpt Loftin. The Loftin
family tree possesses a rich heritage that dates back to the early 1600’s in North Carolina
and in the volunteers state of Tennessee, Joseph Randolph Loftin, Jr. was born at the US
Army Hospital in Fort Sill, Oklahoma on January 13, 1943 to Cpt & Mrs Joseph R. Loftin,
USA. Randy’s father was a career military man, so the family lived in many locations
including post WW II Japan. When Randy’s father was shipped to Korea in 1950, Randy,
his mother and sister returned to their home to Columbia, TN. Thereafter the family
relocated many times when the US Army reassigned his father to Germany, Kansas,
Colorado, Virginia, and Washington, DC; his father retired as a Colonel in 1968. Randy
graduated from Washington-Lee High School, Arlington, VA in June 1960 and attended
the University of Tennessee for one year in Liberal Arts. Randy entered the US Military
Academy at West Point in July 1962 with the USMA Class of 1966, trained to serve his
country for 4 years, but was separated due to academic deficiencies in June 1966. He
subsequently went on to Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana where he earned a
Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in June 1971.
Randy received a direct commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army Reserve on
September 30, 1966, following his separation from the US Military Academy at West
Point in July 1966. In October 1966, 2nd Lt Loftin attended Finance Officers Basic
Course at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana completing the course in December 1966; in
January 1967, he was assigned as the Deputy Finance and Accounting Officer at 6th US
Army Headquarters, Presidio, San Francisco, CA. 2nd LT Loftin was promoted to First
Lieutenant on September 30, 1967 and deployed to Vietnam on October 26, 1967 and
was assigned to 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division in Phan Rang, Republic of Vietnam
thru March 1968. 1st Lt Loftin spent the next 7 months in Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam
with Company B, 5th Special Forces Group. 2nd LT Loftin was promoted to Captain on
September 30, 1968 and in October 23, 1968, he returned to Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN
where he served as Company Commander of the Headquarters Company at Headquarters,
US Army Finance School. From November 1969 to October 1970 he served as an
Instructor in the Finance Officer Basic Course. Captain Loftin attended Butler University
and completed his Bachelor of Science Degree in June 1971, then completed the Finance
Officer’s Advance Course in June 1972, when he was transferred to the US Army War
College in Carlisle Barracks, PA as the Finance and Accounting Officer. After 7 years of
dedicated service, he was Honorably Discharge from the US Army at Carlisle Barracks,
PA on September 5, 1973. His awards include the Army Commendation Medal (Oak Leaf
Cluster for Second Award), Republic of Vietnam Commendation Medal, Parachute Badge,
Republic of Vietnam Parachute Badge, and various campaign and service medals.
Following release from active duty Randy worked as an Insurance Agent for Lincoln
National Life Insurance Company until 1979 and transitioned as an Independent Business
Consultant from 1979 to 1985. From 1985 to 1988 Randy was the President of Invest
America, Inc., a nationwide network of independent financial planners, and took the
company public in 1986. From 1988 to 1991 he was the Co-owner of Beverly Hills
Concepts of Marin, a specialized Health and Fitness Center. From 1991 to 2007 Randy was
the Owner of Independent Financial Services Company, a company providing full service
tax consulting and business services (including sales and computer training). In 2007
he renamed the company The Loftin Group, Inc. and became President. He expanded
the Independent Financial Services Company services to include retirement planning,
insurance, annuity planning, small business consulting, and audit representation.
Randy has been endorsed by the California Republican Party, The Eagle Forum.
The Frederick Douglas Foundation of California, the Napa Tea Party, the California
Republican Assembly (CRA), Napa County Republican Central Committee, Solano County
Republican Central Committee, Contra Costa County Republican Central Committee, and
Lake County Republican Central Committee. Randy is a member of the VFW, the NRA,
the American Legion, and the West Point Associates of Graduates.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Cpt Randy Loftin,
USAR who will bring to Congress private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems
in government and represent the 5th Congressional District of California. If you review
Cpt Loftin’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands;
they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward
to working with Randy Loftin’s, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber
is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in
the 5th Congressional District of California, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask
them to support Randy Loftin by working in his campaign, providing financial support
for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing
to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing
the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding
Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that
General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point
in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an
amount “up to and including his life.”