County Sheriff Richard Dick Stobbs
County SheriffStobbsis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofOH.Active Status:Retired

Former Belmont County Sherriff Richard “Dick” Stobbs, USA (R-OH-6) http://www.stobbsforcongress.com of Colerain, OH is a US Army Vietnam Combat Veteran who is running against Cong Charlie Wilson (D-OH-6). He is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by the Pelosi Congress. Sherriff Stobbs received an Associates in Law Enforcement Degree from Jefferson Community College, a BS in Business Administration for Ohio University, and an Masters in Science Administration from Central Michigan University. In 2008, Sheriff Stobbs was named as Jefferson Community College‘s Outstanding Alumnus for a lifetime of civic achievement. Dick Stobbs served from 1981-85 as the Belmont County Sherriff, 11 years in federal service, including three years as a criminal justice specialist with the U, S, Department of Justice, was a volunteer firefighter and emergency squad member of the Colerain Volunteer Fire Company. Sheriff Stobbs has been endorsed by the Brig Gen. Thomas White (18th Secretary of the Army), Vets For Freedom, Ohio Veterans United, Ohio Gun Collectors Association, and Ohioans for Concealed Carry. Currently, Dick Stobbs works in a local agency, and is a lifetime certified law enforcement instructor in Ohio .
Richard Stobbs joined the US Army on August 12, 1968 to volunteer for combat service in Vietnam . Specialist Four Stobbs served with the 11th Armored Cavalry (Blackhorse) Regiment; on the First Squadron Commander‘s Staff as an administrative clerk and a machine gunner, he was also on the Regimental Commander’s staff as a combat correspondent. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and his award states ”distinguished himself by outstanding meritorious service in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam”; he was also awarded the Army Achievement Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, and other Vietnam Theatre Medals. Specialist Four Stobbs received an honorable discharged on March 18, 1970.
Dick Stobbs is a Life Member of the NRA, and has been active in the 4-H junior leaders, the Jaycees, Rotary, the Lansing Sportsmen’s Club. He has served as Co-Treasurer of the Law Enforcement Training Fund for the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio and is currently active with the Belmont County Farm Bureau. Stobbs is a member of the Martins Ferry American Legion Post 38, and a life member of the following: Bellaire Disabled Veterans Post 117, Youngtown AMVETS Post 44, Colerain VFW Post 8848, MOPH Chapter 625, The Blackhorse Association, and the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia. Most recently, Stobbs has served as chairman of the Gold Star Family Committee (GFC). GFC’s lobbying efforts allowed passage of SB25 in Ohio, giving license plates to family members of Fallen Warriors. He is currently active with the Belmont County Farm Bureau.
Richard Stobbs was married to the late Jo Ann Stobbs for 34 years, they have four children and two granddaughters. Jo Ann Stobbs was a Gold Star Widow: AF Sgt Gary Clark was killed in Combat support on December 17, 1969. Jo Ann died after four and a half year battle with ovarian cancer on September 24, 2009. Richard Stobbs has been endorsed by the Ohio Veterans United. If you review Sheriff Stobbs’ positions on his Web site, you would be pleased by his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Sheriff Stobbs, and are pleased that a Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 6th Congressional District of Ohio, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Dick Stobbs by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. Capt Kinzinger is one of the 24 Combat Veterans For Congress in 16 states endorsed by the Combat Veterans for Congress PAC.