Command Master Chief Larry Wilske
Command Master ChiefWilskeis a combat veteran of the USNavy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofCA.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 90th Combat Veteran For Congress; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by Congress and the Obama Administration, will work to reduce the national debt, will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment. Command Master Chief Larry A Wilske, USN (Ret) (SEAL) of San Diego, California, a 30 year Veteran of the US Navy, www.larrywilske.com, is running for the 53rd Congressional District of California represented by six term Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA-53) who voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time, including voted to tear down the Cross in the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial, voted for & promoted lies about the flawed Obamacare Law, voted to reduce retirement pay & benefits for military Veterans, voted to move dangerous Al Q’ieda terrorists from prison in Guantanamo, Cuba to the US, voted against the 2nd Amendment rights for Puerto Ricans, consistently voted for massive spending increases driving the National Debt to $17 trillion ($7 trillion of it in 5 years), consistently voted for federal restrictive legislation that undermines the 2ndAmendment, voted against a tax cut for small business, voted against Congressional oversight to kill job killing regulations in federal government agencies, and consistently voted to continue to increase the size of the bloated big government bureaucracy for 12 years. Command Master Chief Wilske believes in an efficient government that serves the people, upholds the highest standards of integrity & transparency, and honors its promise to Veterans who put their lives on the line repeatedly to defend the Republic. Larry Wilske was born on July 27, 1960 in St Paul, Minnesota; the family moved to San Diego, California in 1964, where Larry was raised in his youth; he attended John Paul Jones and St Columbia Elementary Schools, Kearney and University of San Diego High School. Larry was on the varsity wrestling team; he won numerous Wrestling Championships, and graduated from University of San Diego High School in June 1978. In September 1978, Larry attended San Diego Mesa College, transferred to City College in 1980, attended San Diego State University part time from 1980-1981; he returned to graduate from National University in San Diego, with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration in February 1996.
After college Larry was heavily recruited to enlist in the US Navy to compete in the All Navy Wrestling Team. On September 13, 1983, Larry Wilske enlisted in the US Navy at Military Enlisted Processing Center, San Diego, CA and entered Boot Camp at the Navy Recruit Training Center, San Diego, CA; following completion of Basic Seamanship he went on to Operations Specialist “A” School graduating in December 1983 as an Operation Specialist. From December 1983 to February 1985 he was assigned as the Navy Sports Coordinator for the All Navy Wrestling Team. In February 1985, Operation Specialist Wilske received orders to report to the USS Hewitt (DD-966) in San Diego, CA: in August 1985 Seaman Wilske was promoted to Operation Specialist 3rd Class Petty Officer. In September 1985 OS3 Wilske received orders to report to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (BUDS) at US Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado, CA, in Class 139; he graduated in May 1986, and was promoted to Second Class Petty Officer. OS2 Wilske subsequently went thru the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Operations Course, Basic Airborne Training, Military Free Fall Training, Static Line and Free-fall Jumpmaster Training, and Naval Instructor School at the Naval Training Center, San Diego. In April 1986 he reported to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE (SDV1), in the Dry-Deck Shelter Platoon.
In January 1987 OS2 Wilske deployed with the Dry Deck Shelter Platoon as an Operator and SEAL Delivery Vehicle Pilot to Mid-PAC, with 4 subsequent deployments with SDV1 from June 1987 thru September 1991. In September 1991 OS2 Wilske was promoted to First Class Petty Officer. In January 1992, OS1 Wilske received order to report to the US Navy Parachute Team, The Leap Frogs. He rotated in assignments from Team Jump-Master, to Team Leading Petty Officer, to Team Air Show Coordinator. In September 16, 1995, OSI Wilske was promoted to Chief Petty Officer. In December 1995 he received orders to report to SEAL Team THREE, and was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal for his duty with The Leap Frogs. In May 1996, Chief Wilske deployed in support of Operation Joint Guard, as the Primary Team Leader with a Task Element of SEAL Team THREE to Prijdor and Gradiska, Bosnia Herzegovina, and reported to MajGen Ramsey, British Royal Army, as the primary Recon Team for the Joint Commissioned Observer Mission; the task unit returned to CONUS in December 1996. For actions during that 7 month tour, he was awarded with the Joint Services Commendation Medal, various Service, and Campaign Medals. From February to July 1997, Chief Wilske deployed for 40 days in support of Operation Desert Thunder to Kuwait City, Kuwait as the Leading Chief of Operation; he was awarded the Joint Services Achievement Medal, various Service, and Campaign Medals.
In June 1999, Chief Wilske was assigned as SEAL Team THREE Echo Platoon’s Leading Chief Petty Officer; as Chief of a Naval Special Warfare Task Unit, he supervised the complete work up and deployment of the Task Unit on an 8 month deployment to the Middle East. The Task Unit conducted multiple missions, including Combined Australian Operations in East Timor, contingency/interagency operations in multiple countries of the Middle East, and dozens of Maritime interdiction operations in the Northern Arabian Gulf. The Task Unit returned to CONUS in December 1999. Chief Wilske was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal, various Service, and Campaign Medals for that tour of duty. As a Task Unit Leading Chief Petty Officer, Chief Wilske completed the work up and deployment in March 2001, as part of an Amphibious Ready Group, conducted operations in Indonesia, East Timor, Qatar, and dozens of Maritime interdiction Operations in support of the Iraqi blockade. The Task Unit returned to CONUS on September 6, 2001.
Five days after returning to CONUS from a 6 month deployment, Al Q’ieda terrorists attacked the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. On October 1, 2001, twenty-one days after the Al Q’ieda attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, Chief Wilske deployed as a component of the Naval Special Operations Force (NAVSOF) to Southern Afghanistan with a Naval Special Warfare Task Unit as both the Operations Chief and the Naval Special Operations Component Leading Chief Petty Officer in support of a Combined Joint Operations Task Force, the famed Task Force Ka-Bar. The Naval Special Warfare Task Unit for returned to CONUS in April 2002; Chief Wilske was awarded with the Joint Services Commendation Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, various Service, and Campaign Medals for the 7 month deployment.
Immediately upon return from the deployment to Afghanistan, Chief Wilske received orders to the newly commissioned SEAL Team SEVEN as their first Task Unit Leading Chief; in June 2002 Chief Wilske was promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer. During the one year work-up to get SEAL Team SEVEN ready to deploy, Senior Chief Wilske succumbed to previous injuries and underwent total hip replacement surgery. Only missing 4-months due to recovery, Senior Chief Wilske completed the pre-deployment work-up with his SEAL Team, and the Task Unit deployed in October 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to the Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines to track down Kadafi Jon Jalani and the NPA Terrorist organization. The Task Unit then forward deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to the Regional Palace Complex in Baghdad, then Mosul, and finally to Al Asad in An Anbar Province and conducted dozens of direct action missions operating along the entire Euphrates River Valley. The Task Unit returned to CONUS in June 2004. Senior Chief Wilske was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, various Service, and Campaign Medals.
In July 2004, Senior Chief Wilske was transferred to Naval Special Warfare Group ONE in Coronado, CA as the Operations Master Chief (Senior Chief). In January 2005, he deployed to Iraq in support Iraqi Freedom as the Leading Chief Petty Officer and Operations Chief for Joint Special Task Force Arabian Peninsula as a component of Naval Special Operations Force (NAVSOF) , and returned to CONUS in July 2004. Senior Chief Wilske was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal, various Service, and Campaign Medals. In February 2006, Master Chief Wilske received orders to report to the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy. In March 2006, he received orders to report back to SEAL Team SEVEN as Operations Master Chief (Senior Chief); he oversaw three Naval Special Warfare Task Units and coordinated their pre-deployment training. In March 2007, Senior Chief Wilske deployed with a Task Unit to Fallujah in Al Anbar Province, Iraq as a component of Special Operations Task Force West in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He oversaw hundreds of SEAL Missions and personally conducted dozens of Direct Action Missions. On June 5, 2007, Senior Chief Wilske was promoted early to Master Chief Petty Officer. In November 2007, the Task Unit returned to CONUS, and Master Chief Wilske was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V”), various Service, and Campaign Medals.
From November 2007 to February 2008, Master Chief Wilske actively participated in a work-up for deployment with three Task Units. In February 2008, Master Chief Wilske attended Command Leadership School, and was selected as a Command Master Chief (CMDCM) on April 1, 2008. In March 2008, CMDCM Wilske deployed with a Task Unit to Ramadi, Iraq as the Senior Enlisted Advisor for Special Operations Task Force West in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom. CMDCM Wilske oversaw hundreds of missions in Iraq and led dozens of Direct Action Missions. He led the plan to replace 35,000 Marines along the Euphrates River Valley with Special Operations trained Iraqi SWAT Police Officers, affording continued stability in the region while freeing up US Marines to join the fight in Afghanistan. In November 2008, CMDCM Wilske returned to CONUS and was awarded with the Bronze Star Medal (Gold Star with Combat “V”, for second award), various Service and Campaign medals.
In January 2009, CMDCM Wilske was transferred to Naval Special Warfare Group ONE, Logistics Support Command, in Coronado, CA as the Command Master Chief, leading 600 support and combat personnel supporting the West Coast SEAL Teams. He authored his first book, “Leadership, From the Middle to the Top” based on the Leadership Training for Chiefs and Officers at Naval Special Warfare Group ONE. In June 2011, he received orders to report to the US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island as the first SEAL Master Chief to teach at the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy; he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for leadership during his tour at Naval Special Warfare Group ONE. While at the Naval War College, CMDCM Wilske wrote and introduced lectures on Ethos and Elements of National Power; both lectures are a part of the curriculum today. On July 4, 2013, upon retirement from 30 years of Honorable service in the US Navy, CMDCM Wilske was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (Gold Star for second award) and was Honorably Discharged in Newport, Rhode Island. His personal awards include the Bronze Star Medal (Gold Star with Combat “V” for second award), the Meritorious Service Medal (Gold Star for second award), Joint Commendation Service Medal (Gold Star for second award), Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (2 Gold Stars for three awards), Joint Services Achievement Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon (two theatres), the Presidential Unit Citation, the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, various Service, and Campaign Medals. Command Master Chief Wilske qualified and is authorized to wear the SEAL Warfare Insignia, the Surface Warfare Insignia, and the Navy & Marine Corps Parachute Badge.
Following his Honorable Discharge from the US Navy, Command Master Chief Wilske began his civilian career. He was awarded the License to Captain of a 100-Gross Ton Towing Vessel on July 30, 2013, and on that day was employed by Sea Tow International in Boston Massachusetts until October 30, 2013, when he went to work, Pro Bono on Oceanography Research in Woods Hole, MA. He was engaged as Captain of the Oceanographic Research Vessel, Ocean Quest, conducting studies in Woods Hole, MA thru November 2013. Larry moved back to his home town of San Diego, California on November 2013, in order to explore running for Congress; he declared for Congress in the 53rd Congressional District of San Diego on January 21, 2014. Larry has been a community leader supporting the Warrior Foundation, a member of the San Diego Wrestling Association, a Lifetime Member of the Keylock Wrestling Association (headquartered in the Jackie Robinson YMCA, San Diego), is a Team Member on 3 US National Wrestling Teams, has numerous Athletic Awards that can be seen in the San Diego Hall of Champions in Balboa Park, a member of the Underwater Demolition/SEAL Association, American Legion, the NRA, the VFW, the Navy League, and Optimist Club of Bonita. Larry and his wife of 5 years, Theresa (Bernard) attend Calvary Chapel in Santee CA. Larry has three daughters by a previous marriage, Chelsea age 32, Brianna age 29, and Lorraine age 26; he has one step-daughter Michelle age 36 and two grandchildren. Larry has been endorsed by Vice Admiral Robert Harwood, USNA, USN (Ret) (SEAL); BGen Michael T Byrnes, USA (Ret); BGen Michael Neil, USMCR (Ret) Esq.; 'Capt Peter Hewett, USN (Ret)(JAGC); Capt Jay Crumbie, USN (Ret) (Div/Salvage); Brian Brady San Diego Republican Central Committee; BMC Dwight Settle, USN (Ret) (SEAL); John Holtz, Solona Advisors; Jennifer Settle, Founder The Red, White and Blue; and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Command Master Chief Larry A Wilske, USN (Ret) (SEAL) who will bring to Congress leadership skills & wisdom to better solve problems in government, the ability to effectively represent the 53rd Congressional District of California, and defend the Republic. If you review Command Master Chief Wilske positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Command Master Chief Wilske, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 53rd Congressional District of California, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Command Master Chief Wilske by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”