Col Allen Weh
ColWehis a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofNM.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 93rd Combat Veteran For Congress in five years: he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by the irresponsible members of Congress and the Obama administration. He will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, stimulate private sector business investment. Col Allen E. Weh, USMCR (Ret) http://www.allenweh.com resides in Los Ranchos, New Mexico, has completed 38 years of service in the US Marine Corps and US Marine Corps Reserve. Colonel Weh is running for the US Senate in New Mexico for the senate currently occupied by Senator Tom Udall. Senator Udall voted to pass the flawed Obamacare Bill, voted to reduce the income of retired military personnel, has consistently voted in support of Obama to drive the national debt to $24 trillion over the next 10 years, and votes in lock step with Senator Reid to circumvent the provisions of the US Constitution. Allen Weh was born in Salem, Oregon on November 17, 1942, and graduated from Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School I n Scotch Plains, New Jersey in June 1960. In September 1963, after being discharged from the US Marine Corps, Corporal Weh was accepted at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and in June 1966, Allen Weh received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from the University of New Mexico. In June 1973, Allen Weh received a Master’s Degree in education from the University of New Mexico.
Allen Weh was sworn into the US Marine Corps on July 26, 1960 at the US Marine Corps Recruiting Station in lower Manhattan, New York City, New York. He flew to the US Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, south Carolina and reported in late on the afternoon of July 26th. He reported and graduated on October 11, 1960, went thru 4 weeks of basic infantry school at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. In November PVT Weh reported to the Marine Barracks, US ammunition Depot, Yellow Water Florida. In September 1962, LCpl Weh reported to the Marine detachment aboard USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) and deployed for 7 months to the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. The ship returned to CONUS in May 1963 when LCpl Weh was promoted to corporal. In June 1963 Roosevelt rotated into shipyard availability at the Brooklyn Navy Ship Yard. In July, CPL Weh was transferred to the Marine Barracks, US Naval Base, New York, and was released from Active duty on July 25, 1963 and was awarded with the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal.
CPL Weh was transferred to the Inactive Marine Corps Reserve, but immediately joined the Selected Marine Corps Reserve, and in August 1963, he moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico to matriculate at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque (UNM); he affiliated with the 5th Force Recon Company Fleet Marine Force, US Marine Corps Reserve. CPL Weh was promoted to Sergeant in 1965 while in his junior year at UNM. Upon graduation from UNM in June 1966, he applied for the Marine Corps Officer Candidate course at the US Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, and reported to the 41st Officer Candidate Course in august 1966. He graduated inOctober 27, i966, was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, and reported to The Basic School (TBS), and graduated from TBS on March 29, 1967.
Upon graduation from The Basic School, 2nd Lt Weh received orders to report to “A” Company, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division after two weeks Recon Replacement Training at Camp Pendleton, CA. 2nd Lt Weh was transported to Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam, to report to his unit as a Recon Platoon Leader in May 1967. He personally led 8 long range eight man patrols, including the presence of a Navy Corpsman, in North Vietnamese held areas. While on combat operations in I Corps, 2nd Lt Weh was Wounded In Action on august 4, 1967. His femoral vein was severed when he was hit by AK-47 fire, was operated on in a field hospital at Phu Bai, was stabilized, and then transferred to the US Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland for 4 months of recovery. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, the Presidential Unit Citation, and various Service and Campaign Medals. 2ndLt Weh was recommended for the Navy Cross for heroism by the Marines in his unit, but the recommendation was lost in the process through the chain of command. 2nd Lt Weh augmented into the Regular Marine Corps while hospitalized, and was promoted to 1st Lieutenant in December 1967 while still hospitalized and on Limited Duty.
In April 1968, 1st Lt Weh was assigned to the 5th Marine Division at Camp Pendleton; in September he proceeded to Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam and reported to the First Marine Division as an Aerial Observer with VMO-2 at Marble Mountain Air Field. From September 1968 to January 1969, he flew 122 combat missions as an AO/tactical Air Controller(Airborne), most of them in the turboprop light attack observation OV-10A Bronco. In January 1969, 1st Lt Weh was reassigned as Executive Officer of Company “A” 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, and then he was assigned as Commanding Officer of Company “B.” While on combat operations in I Corps, 1st Lt Weh was Wounded In Action on May 2nd by shrapnel, and again on August 26, 1969 by shrapnel. However, not wanting to relinquish command until his tour was over, he remained in country. In October 1969, he turned over his command of his company, and way ordered to Balboa US Naval Hospital in San Diego for surgery to remove shrapnel from his knee. 1st Lt Weh was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V”), two Gold Stars in lieu of a 3rd Purple Heart Medal, 5 Air Medals, a Bronze Star in lieu of a 2ndPresidential Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Citation (a Bronze Star in lieu of a 2nd award), the Navy and Marine Corps Meritorious Unit Commendation (Bronze Star in lieu of 2ndaward), the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm and Gold Frame, and various Service and Campaign Medals. In December 1969, 1st Lt Weh was promoted to Captain.
From 1970 to 1971, Captain Weh was assigned as Commanding Officer of H & S Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, then Assistant Operations Officer in the Division as the G-3. He resigned his regular commission and was reappointed as a Captain in the US Marine Corps Reserve. From 1971 to 1976, he was assigned as an Air Observer and Assistant Operations Officer for VMO-6 at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, CA, during that tour in 1974; he was assigned as an Exchange officer with the British Royal Marines in Malaysia for two months. From 1976, to 1978, he was assigned as Commanding Officer of “D” Company, 4th Recon Battalion, 4th Marine division; in April 1977, Captain Weh was promoted to Major. During that tour in 1978, he was ordered to active duty to serve as an Observer with a Royal Norwegian Army Infantry Battalion participating in a NATO Exercise north of the Arctic Circle. From 1978 to 1979, Major Weh was assigned to a Headquarters Detachment, 4th Marine Division in Kansas City, Missouri; during that tour in September 1979, he was assigned to the Exercise Control Group for a NATO Exercise in Turkey. From 1979 to 1981, Major Weh was assigned as the Intelligence Officer for the 14th Marine Regiment, NAS Dallas, Texas; and from 1981 to 1982 he was the Executive Officer of the 4th Recon Battalion in San Antonia, Texas. Major Weh was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in July 1982. From 1982 to 1984. Lt Col Weh was assigned as Plans Officer at the US Marine Corps Mobilization Station in Albuquerque, New Mexico. From 1984 to 1989, Lt Col Weh was assigned to report to the Deputy Director, Intelligence Division, Headquarters Marine Corps in Arlington, VA. In September 1988, Lt Col Weh was promoted to Colonel.
In January 1990, Col Weh was assigned as a US Marine Liaison Officer at the Naval Reserve Intelligence Command, Naval Air Station, Dallas, Texas. In September 1990, shortly after Operation Desert shield commenced, Col Weh was assigned as Commanding Officer, Southwest Asia Training Group at the US Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in 29 Palms, CA. He was responsible for training and forecasting combat replacements and deploying personnel to Saudi Arabia for employment in theatre prior to January 1991, when Operation Desert Storm commenced. Col Weh’s assignment ended when hostilities ended in Kuwait in March 1991, and he was awarded a meritorious Service Medal for outstanding performance in his assignment. In April 1991, Col Weh was initially assigned as Assistant Operations Officer, of the Command Element of the First Marine Expeditionary Force (IMEF) at Camp Pendleton, CA then he was moved up to Deputy Chief of Staff, IMEF; the IMEF was subsequently designated as the Command Element of the Task Force. Col Weh was then assigned as the Officer in Charge of the Coalition Support Team to coordinate the assignment of allied military personnel assigned to the Task Force. He returned to CONUS in February 1993 and remained with the IMEF thru 1994. Col Weh was awarded a Gold Star in lieu of a 2nd Meritorious Medal, various Service and Campaign Medals for duty with the IMEF and in Somalia. In 1995, Col Weh was transferred to Headquarters, US Marine Corps in Arlington, VA as a Staff Officer, and from 1996 to 1997 he was he was assigned to Headquarters, Marine Force Pacific, at Camp Smith, Hawaii as Deputy Chief of Staff. In February 1997, he was moved up to Chief of Staff , and in July 1997, he was he was transferred to the retired list and was awarded with the Legion of Merit, having served 30 years of commissioned service and 6 years of enlisted service. The Navy Cross that 2nd Lt Weh was nominated for, during combat operations in Vietnam in 1967, was resurrected in 1988 by the surviving Marines involved in his unit’s recon mission; it was submitted by the late Lt-Gen Robert Keller, USMC, who had commanded the operation in 1967. It was downgraded by the Commandant of the Marine Corps to a Silver Star Medal for Gallantry in Action during the period August 2-4, 1967 during combat operations in Vietnam, and was presented on September 30, 1999 during evening ceremonies at the US Marine Corps Barracks at 8th and I, in Washington, DC.
In July 2003, Col Weh was recalled to active duty from the retired list, ordered to Camp Pendleton for in-processing, issued field equipment, and deployed to Baghdad, Iraq within two weeks of reporting for active duty. He reported as Plans Officer (C-5) to the commanding General, Coalition Military Assistance Training Team (CMATT) for duty. One month later he was move up to Chief of staff. The unit was subsequently designated as the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq; CMATT had to operate with the onset of an active and growing insurgency, and was tasked with leading the effort to re-establish an entirely new Iraqi Army and Air Force, after the previous Iraqi Army had been dissolved in its entirety. In February 2004, CMATT was given the additional responsibility to train the Iraqi National Police Force. Col Weh returned to Camp Pendleton in April 2004, and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of 2nd award), a Gold Star in lieu of a 2nd Combat action Ribbon, the Joint Meritorious Award, and various Service and Campaign Medals. Col Weh was transferred back to the retired list on May 15, 2004, after 38 years of service in the US Marine Corps and the US Marine Corps Reserve. His personal awards include the Silver Star Medal, the Legion of Merit Medal, the Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V”), an Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a 2nd Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal (with two Gold Stars in lieu a 2nd and 3rd awards), 5 Air Medals, the Meritorious Service Medal (a Gold Star in lieu of a 2nd award), the Combat Action Ribbon (a Gold Star in lieu of a 2nd award), the Presidential Unit Citation (a Bronze Star in lieu of a 2ndaward), the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation (an Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a 2ndaward), the Navy Unit Citation (a Bronze Star in lieu of a 2nd award), the Navy and Marine Corps Meritorious Unit Commendation (two Bronze Stars in lieu of a 2nd and 3rd awards), the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm and Gold Frame, and various Service and Campaign Medals.
Allen Weh founded CSI Aviation Services in 1979, an international air support and aviation logistics company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He also serves as Chairman of Seeker Aircraft America, Inc., which is bringing the Australian SB7L-360A Seeker aircraft to market in the western hemisphere. He has been a member of the Albuquerque Police Advisory Board, a member of the National Advisory Board at the Anderson School of Management at the University of New Mexico, and was recognized in 2012 by “New Mexico Business Weekly” as one of New Mexico’s Top Performing CEOs. He was also appointed by the Secretary of Defense to serve as Chairman of the Defense Board for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve from 2002 to 2003. Allen is a past member of the Republican National Committee from New Mexico from 2004 to 2008, and was a GOP candidate for Governor of New Mexico in the 2010 election cycle, placing second in the Republican Primary field of five candidates. Allen has been endorsed by former Congressman and Secretary of the Interior, Manual Lujan, US Senator Harrison (Jack) Schmitt (Ret), and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. Allen is a Life Member of the of the Marine Corps Association, a Life Member of the Marine Corps Reserve Association, a Founding Member of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, a Life Member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, a Life Member of the Military Officers Association of America, and member of the University of New Mexico Alumni Association. Allen has been married to his wife Becky for 45 years, and they are members of the Calvary Chapel in Albuquerque, They have three children, Deborah Weh Maestas age 43, Ashley Weh Dunn age 39, and Brian Roberton Weh age 35, and they have seven grandchildren.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Col Allen E. Weh, USMCR (Ret) who will bring to the Congress private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent New Mexico in the US Senate and support the Republic. If you review Col Weh’s position on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stances, as they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with Col Weh, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in New Mexico, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Col Weh by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “the United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”