Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael J Durant
Durantis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesSenatein the state ofAL.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 146th Combat Veteran For Congress in 13 years, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael J. Durant, USA (Ret) (POW) (WW), who resides in Madison, AL and served 22 years in the US Army. CW4 Durant was a Blackhawk pilot whose helicopter was shot down in Mogadishu, Somalia; his capture was depicted in the full-length feature film “Blackhawk Down” released in December 2001. CW4 Durant, who is a Pro-Trump Conservative, states our country is headed in the wrong direction, that he is running for election to the Alabama US Senate seat, being vacated by six term incumbent Republican Senator Richard Shelby who is retiring. CW4 Durant is running to save the dream that is the America he fought for, and to protect and defend the US Constitution.
CW4 Durant is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, cut taxes, will work to unleash the economic growth in the private sector, and stimulate business investment to create jobs for Alabama residents. He is an avid supporter of Law Enforcement, will fight to strengthen the US Armed Forces, will protect the Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Speech guaranteed by the US Constitution. He will defend traditional Family Values and will provide “true” representation for the average American voter in Alabama and in the Republic.
CW4 Durant understands issues facing members of the US Armed Forces and will ensure they are cared for both while serving their country on active duty, as reservists, and in their retirement years as Veterans. He strongly supports The Free Enterprise System, opposes Communist China’s Marxist agenda a threat to the founding principles of the Republic, and will work to stop the out-of-control spending by irresponsible Socialist Democrat members of Pelosi’s Marxist Caucus. CW4 Durant will support securing the wide-open southern border, to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, and the over 200,000 Illegal Aliens from 160 countries who are entering the United States each month.
After CW4 Durant prevails in the primary election, he will be running for election against a Social Democrat candidate who will promote the liberal Progressive agenda to change the US Constitutional Republic into Socialist State. Socialist Democrats will continue to vote to increase taxes, will promote out of control inflationary spending, will continue to prevent closure of the wide-open southern border, will vote to eliminate the Electoral College, and will vote to give millions of Illegal Aliens the right to vote regardless of whether they have criminal records. The Social Democrats will continue to provide free housing, free medical care, free education, free food stamps, and free financial aid to Illegal Aliens dependents, while continuing to turn their backs on forty thousand Veterans, who put their lives on the line to defend the Republic, and are sleeping on the street without free housing, free medical care, or free food stamps.
Michael J. Durant was born on July 23, 1961, in Berlin, NH; he attended public schools in Berlin, played football in Berlin High School, and graduated from Berlin High School in May 1979. In September 1995, CW3 Mike Durant enrolled in the Embry-Riddle University of Daytona, FL Worldwide Campus program at Fort Campbell, Ky. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Professional Aeronautics in June 1996. Continuing in graduate education with Embry-Riddle University, CW4 Durant obtained an MBA in Aviation in June 1997.
Mike’s father, Sergeant First Class Leon Durant, NH-ANG (Ret) served full time in the New Hampshire Army National Guard until his retirement. On August 29, 1979, following in his father’s footsteps, Michael J. Durant, was sworn into the US Army at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) in Manchester, NH. Private Michael Durant reported for Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
In January 1980, he continued training at Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA to study Spanish. In May 1980, PV2 Durant was promoted to Private First Class and completed language training in June 1980. In July 1980, PFC Durant reported to Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, TX for intelligence training and completed Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in November 1980. In December 1980 PFC Durant was promoted to Specialist and assigned to the 470th Military Intelligence Group in Ft. Clayton, Panama.
In January 1982, SPC Durant was promoted to Sergeant.
He completed the Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course at Fort Rucker, AL, and received his Army Aviator Wings in November 1983; his UH-60 Aviator Qualification was completed in March 1984, WO1 Durant was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 2 in November 1985. In November 1987 CW2 Durant qualified as a UH-60 Instructor Pilot. CW2 Durant completed the Aviator Advanced Warrant Officer Course in June 1986. He completed Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Course in 1988, served as a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Officer in 1989.
In August 1989, CW2 Durant deployed on his first combat mission, as a Special Operations MH-60 Pilot, in support of Operation Prime Chance to the Persian Gulf. CW2 Durant participated in the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) mission to secure shipping in the Persian Gulf flying from ships, floating mobile sea bases, and barges, while actively searching for Iranian Gunboats that were attacking shipping, and Iranian Minelayers that were laying mines. His unit conducted attacks on Iranian Gunboats and Iranian Minelayers were conducted with min-guns and rockets. In one operation a severely damaged minelayer was boarded by a SEAL Team that searched it, destroyed mines, and took Iranian prisoners. At the end of September 1989, CW2 Durant returned to CONUS upon completion of his deployment.
On December 20, 1989, CW2 Durant deployed in support of Operation Just Cause to Panama, to capture the drug smuggler, General Manuel Noriega, remove him from power, and secure the Panama Canal. At H hour, CW2 Durant supported Ranger missions to capture Rio Hato Airfield and he subsequently flew multiple operational missions in support of direct-action assaults supporting Navy SEALS to capture General Noriega, flew multiple attack missions against the Panamanian Defense Force, provided close air support for US military forces. His unit simultaneously delivered Delta Force personnel to free an imprisoned US Citizen from the Modelo prison. In late December 1990 CW2 Durant returned to CONUS following the termination of Combat operations.
On January 31, 1991, CW2 Durant deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm as Pilot In-Command of Special Operations in Kuwait and Iraq to support the liberation of Kuwait. CW2 Durant fired the first shots of the war from a helicopter at a Scud missile launcher in Iraq, inserted and extracted Delta Force Personnel to locate and destroy Scud missile launchers in northwestern Iraq, and flew multiple reconnaissance missions during the liberation of Kuwait from the Iraqi invaders. CW2 Durant was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and other medals for combat operations during Operation Desert Storm. His unit returned to CONUS on March 15, 1991, following termination of combat operations. In November 1991, CW2 Durant was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3. In 1992, CW3 Durant attended the U.S. Marine Weapons and Tactics Instructor course.
On August 29, 1993, CW3 Durant was assigned as the Direct-Action Pilot in Command and Flight Leader in support of Operation Gothic Serpent, to Mogadishu, Somalia, an operation to capture top commanders of Somali Warlord, General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. During the Task Force Ranger Operation of October 3, 1993, CW3 Durant’s UH 60 Blackhawk was hit by an RPG and crashed amid a large heavily armed mob of Somalian terrorists in the heart of Mogadishu, the mob attacked CW3 Durant and his crew who were gravely injured.
Two members of the Special Operations Delta Force, Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, and Sergeant First Class Randy Shughart, volunteered to help and defend CW3 Durant and his crew from the enemy combatants surrounding the crash site. Both MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart were eventually overcome by the enemy and Killed In Action;MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart, were each subsequently awarded Congressional Medals of Honor for their heroic effort to rescue CW3 Durant and his crew. CW3 Durant’s crew, CW4 Ray Frank, SSG Bill Cleveland, and SGT Tommy Field, were also Killed In Action when the enemy overran the crash site.
CW3 Durant was captured and held as a POW by General Mohamed Farrah Aidid for eleven days. Following high level negotiations, he was medically evacuated to CONUS on October 16, 1993. Nineteen US Military personnel were Killed In Action in that operation, and seventy-three military personnel in Task Force Ranger were Wounded In Action. CW3 Durant was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal (Combat “Valor” Device), Purple Heart Medal, Air Medal (Combat “Valor” Device), Prisoner of War Medal, United Nations Medal—Service in Somalia, and various Service and Campaign Medals for combat action.
While recovering from his combat injuries in 1994, CW3 Durant enrolled in the Embry-Riddle University of Daytona, FL Worldwide Campus program at Fort Campbell, Ky. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Professional Aeronautics in June, 1996. Continuing in graduate education with Embry-Riddle University, CW4 Durant obtained an MBA in Aviation in June 1997. In January 1998, CW3 Durant completed Warrant Officer’s Staff Course and on March 1, 1998, he was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 4. Upon return to active duty, CW4 Durant served as Project Officer in the Systems Integration and Management Office at the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) at Fort Campbell, KY, and continued in that assignment until his retirement from active duty.
After serving his country in the US Army for 22 years, CW4 Michael J. Durant, USA (Ret)(POW)(WW) was Honorably Discharged on February 2, 2001, at Fort Campbell, KY. His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), Bronze Star Medal (Combat “Valor” Device), Purple Heart Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal (Combat “Valor” Device), Air Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd Award), Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Cluster for 4th Award), Prisoner of War Medal, Joint Services Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon (3 Bronze Stars for 3rd Award), Overseas Service Ribbon (Bronze Star for 2nd Award), United Nations Medal, United Nations Medal—Service in Somalia, Master Aviation Badge, Air Assault Badge, various Service and Campaign Medals.
Following his Honorable Discharge from the US Army, CW4 Durant moved to Alabama, to start a new chapter of his life. In 2008, he founded Pinnacle Solutions, Inc and has served as President and Chief Executive Officer for over fourteen years. Pinnacle Solutions is an engineering and services company, headquartered in Huntsville, AL. The company employs more than five hundred people who work in sixteen locations supporting multiple contracts in the aerospace and defense industry. Pinnacle has extensive operational experience in all aspects of fixed wing, rotary wing, tiltrotor and unmanned aircraft systems. In October 2021, CW4 Durant declared his intentions to run for the US Senate in Alabama.
CW4 Durant has been endorsed by Former Trump Administration National Security Advisor Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret), Cong Robert "Rob" Simmons, Col-USA/CIA (R-CT-Ret), Cong Paul Collins Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA-Ret), Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI-Ret), American singer/songwriter/guitarist Ted Nugent (who is also on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association), and Jessica Taylor, a previous Alabama US Senate primary candidate (she dropped out of the primary to endorse CW4 Durant), the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC and SEAL PAC.
CW4 Michael J. Durant is a member of the VFW, American Legion, AMVETS, Army Aviation Association of America, Night Stalker Association, and on the the Board of Directors for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and Still Serving Veterans. Mike has three children, Joseph age 29, Taylor age 25, and Michael age 17, his wife Lisa, of 21 years, has three children Joe age 34, Chris age 30, and Dena age 26; Mike and Lisa have four grandchildren, and they attend St John’s The Baptist Catholic Church in Madison, AL.
The Combat Veteran’s For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse CW4 Michael J. Durant, USA (Ret)(POW)(WW) who will bring to Congress extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent the state of Alabama and the Republic. If you review CW4 Durant’s positions on his Web site, you will be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with CW4 Durant and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for the US Senate.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Indiana, kindly pass this E-mail on to them and ask them to support CW4 Durant by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable “to The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”