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Two Al Qieda Terrorists Who Killed American Soldiers Entered United States Through Refugee Program

  • Two Al Qieda Terrorists Who Killed American Soldiers Entered United States Through Refugee Program

By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 23, 2015 

Despite the fact that an Islamic Syrian Refugee, with a fake passport, was among the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists who murdered 129 peaceful Parisians casually dining in restaurants and others who were attending a music concert in Paris on Friday night, November 13, 2015, and despite the fact that thousands of the Islamic Refugees are single males of military age from throughout the broader Middle East not just from Syria, and despite the fact that Obama is ignoring the FBI’s repeated warning that because documents do not exist, they cannot determine if the Islamic Refugees have terrorist ties. Obama is doubling down and insisting all the Islamic Refugees, estimated to be over 80,000 this year, must be permitted to enter the US under every condition—they have been entering and resettled non-stop.  It may be helpful for clear thinking Patriotic Americans, who care about their safety, and the safety of their families, to review the following litany of how Radical Islamic Terrorists (many falsely classified as refugees) who were allowed to enter the US, have murdered and/or attempted to murder American citizens.


On May 20, 2010, Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani Radical Islamic Terrorist, attempted a car bombing in New York City’s Times Square using his dark blue 1993 Nissan pathfinder sports utility vehicle.  Luckily the improvised explosive device's ignition source malfunctioned.   He was arrested after he was trying to board Emirates Flight 202 to Dubai at JFK International Airport on May 21st.  Shahzad admitted attempting the car bombing and said that he trained at a Pakistani Islamic Terrorist Training Camp.  Shahzad had been listed on the U.S. Government Travel-Lookout List since 1999, because he was bringing in large amounts of cash into the US (approximately $82,500) between January 1999 and April 2008.  Eric Holder said the Pakistani Taliban Islamic Terrorists directed the attack and may have financed the attempted car bombing in Times Square.    


According to a report released by the House Homeland Security Committee in 2010, two Al Q’ieda terrorists who had killed American soldiers in Iraq were able to enter the US as refugees, (details of that can be read in the below listed article). Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, two Iraqi refugees settled in Bowling Green, Kentucky, after killing American soldiers, whom they bragged about having “for lunch and dinner.” An FBI report stated that two Al Q’ieda Islamic Terrorists were caught handling weapons, including a machine gun and a missile launcher, and that they planned to smuggle the weapons to Radical Islamic Terrorists in Iraq.


The Tsarnaev brothers at age 9 and 16, entered the US as Islamic Refugees, were radicalized and when they came of age, they planned and executed a Radical Islamic Terrorist attack to murder American spectators in Boston, watching the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.  They employed explosive devices in backpacks, killing 3 and wounding 264 innocent Americans citizens.


On May 3, 2015, three Radicalized Islamic Terrorist who lived in Phoenix, AZ, Nadir Sofi (a Pakistani who lived & trained in Pakistan), Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem (who supplied the firearms and ammunition used in the attack), and Elton Simpson (who trained with Islamic Terrorists in Africa) planned an attack on a free speech event showcasing controversial cartoons of Mohammed in Garland, Texas.  Nadir and Elton executed the shooting and tried to enter the Curtis Culwell Center where the event was being held.  Just minutes before the attack took place, a Twitter account with the username “Shariah is Light” posted a message saying “may Allah accept us as mujahedeen” and ending “Texas attack”; both attackers had pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen”, a likely reference to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  The account was suspended soon after.  The two gunmen drove into the parking lot for the Curtis Culwell Center, immediately jumped out with automatic rifles, and started firing at an unarmed schools security officer who was hit in the leg; an off duty traffic policemen killed both of them.  


On July 16, 2015, Mohammed Yousef Abdulazeez, who was born in Kuwait, had Jordanian citizenship, and lived in the United States since grammar school was Radicalized like the Tsarnaev brothers.  He planned and executed an attacked on a US Armed Forces Recruiting Center and a US Naval & Marine Corps Reserve Center in Chattanooga, TN, killing 4 US Marines and one US Navy Petty Officer.


On November 14, 2015, Fox News reported Border Patrol Agents in Arizona caught three Muslim Saudi Arabian Nationals trying to evade a highway checkpoint.  They were captured in an area considered one of the hottest smuggling routes in the US.  Two days later, just a few miles from the same area, Border Patrol Agents in Sonora, Arizona arrested five Muslim Pakistani Nationals and one Muslim Afghani National who were caught trying to enter the US illegally through the wide open Arizona Border.  

In Texas during the week of November 16, eight Syrians Muslims Nationals were caught trying to cross the US border from Mexico.  When coupled with the 6 Syrian Muslim Nationals caught in Honduras with stolen doctored Greek passports, trying to travel to the US/Mexican Border, and another Syrian Muslim National with a fake passport who was caught in Costa Rica trying to head up to the US/Mexican Border, the steady flow of Middle East Illegal Aliens has raised serious concerns for the US Border Patrol. 

If the 24 above listed, all-male (none of the Muslims carrying fake passports were “widows and orphans”) Saudi, Pakistani, Afghani, and Syrian potential Radical Islamic Terrorists were apprehended within a 10 day period trying to enter the wide open southern border illegally with fake passports, they are only the tip of the spear, because the US Border Patrol still doesn’t have the help that an effective Border Fence would provide in controlling the wide open southern border.  The border patrol state they can only apprehend about 40% of the illegals entering the United States, so it appears during that same 10 day period, 60 potential Radical Islamic Terrorist successfully entered the US illegally.  


Over the last 7 years, thousands of Muslim Illegal Aliens from the Middle East with fake passports, have been entering the United States and have been seeking Asylum as refugees.  The left of center liberal media establishment refuses to report on the wholesale entry of thousands of potential Radical Islamic Terrorist from the Middle East who have been illegally entering the United States across the wide open southern border.  A Syrian immigrant in New York, Arafat Succar, says ISIS sleeper cells of Radical Islamic Terrorists are already present in America and waiting for orders to strike.  Succar also tells the New York Post, "You can go to the Syrian government today and say to them, 'I need a piece of paper that says I'm John Doe, and they give it to you."  Succar says it is incredibly easy for ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists to obtain authentic looking (but fake) identification papers in Syria and then to pose as a refugee to infiltrate in foreign countries.  


After 7 years of the cover-up by DHS and the left of center liberal media establishment, the Border Patrol Union is reporting directly to Congressional Committees of the illegal entry of Muslim males from the Middle East through the wide open southern border.  Following illegal entry, they seek and are granted Asylum as Muslim refugees by the Obama Administration, but that is not the case for Christians entering the wide open southern order seeking Asylum because of the genocide being perpetrated against them by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists.


Amid Washington’s raging debate over the 10,000 Syrian Muslim Refugees already entering the United States (the first of 250,000 Muslim Syrian Refugees Obama intends to grant Asylum to) there is an unfair controversy that has developed, to put it mildly.  In April and May 2015, 27 Assyrian Christians (17 men and 10 women) who were driven from their ancient homeland on the Plains of Nineveh in Iraq by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, crossed into the US from Mexico at the San Diego Border Crossing; they immediately sought Asylum from the Christian genocide being executed by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, explaining they were being crucified, burned alive, shot, beheaded, and raped in their ancient homeland.  


When the 27 Assyrian Christians arrived in San Diego through the wide open southern border, unlike the 400,000 Illegal Alien Central Americans, they immediately turned themselves in and officially sought Asylum from the Christian Genocide.  They requested to join their friends and families in the thriving Iraqi Christian community in El Cajon and San Diego where the Christian community had homes and jobs for the 27 Assyrian Christians.  But unlike the 400,000 Central Americans Illegal Aliens who illegally entered the United States in June and immediately received Asylum to remain in the US, the door to America is being slammed shut on the 27 Assyrian Christians by Obama; they are being deported by Obama and their bids for asylum from religious persecution and genocide has been rejected, while 10,000 Syrian Muslim Refugees without proper documentation are being permitted to enter the US and being resettled.


The FBI has informed the Congress that 250 Muslim, many who went thru Obama’s Fast-Track Program to become American citizens, many who are Somalis who entered the United States through the UN Refugee Resettlement Program, have traveled to the Middle East and Africa to train with ISIS then join ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists in committing genocide against Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Recently several men from the large community of Somali refugees in Minnesota were apprehended by the FBI trying to join ISIS. The FBI have broken up over 70 cells of ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists in all 50 states, and are investigating over 900 cases concerning potential Radical Islamic Terrorist plots to strike the United States, many of those cases are in Muslim Refugee communities, or concern first generation Americans of Middle Eastern and African descent.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has proposed the first piece of legislation in the Senate that will stop Syrian Islamic Refugees from entering the US to add to the over 700,000 Islamic Refugees that Obama has brought into the United States through the UN Refugee Resettlement Program, and he has resettled them throughout the United States without telling federal law enforcement nor governors of the states where they now reside.  Senator Cruz Senate Bill is S. 2302, the “Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act” has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee.  The bill immediately halts the resettlement of Islamic refugees.

There is a “Refugee Resettlement Racket” underway in the United States, the details are listed in the attachment, that “Refugee Resettlement Racket” is being funded by Republican-led Congress to support the Obama Administration, it is a program that has been going on for 7 years, and the American people know nothing about it.  It is costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars each year.   The “Refugee Resettlement Racket” is a threat to the National Security of the United States because, according to the FBI, there is no way to verify if those Muslim Refugees have terrorist ties, and  the law enforcement agencies are blocked from learning where they are being resettled.  


Each year, for the last 7 years, Obama has been bringing in thousands of Muslim Refugees (99% Muslim, and 1% Christian), through the UN Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program.  Obama has been accepting more Muslim Refugees each year, for 7 years, than all the countries in the world combined (the numbers now exceed 700,000 and the cost is staggering).  Additionally, thousands of Middle East Muslims are flooding across the wide open southern border each year.  The UN Refugee Resettlement Office has repeatedly refused to accept any of the 300,000 Middle East Christian Refugees for resettlement in the US through the UN Refugee Resettlement Program; they are being housed and fed by the Greek Catholic Relief Agency. 


Obama is responding to the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks in Paris with a rhetorical fusillade against Republicans for the supposed bigotry.  It is a ploy as brilliant as it is disgustingly cynical.  Obama is a co-author of this refugee crisis, he has let it fester and expand for 7 years, and after he warned Assad not to cross his red line, and Assad did, Obama did absolutely nothing.  However, Obama did supply Al Q’ieda and ISIS with weapons through Benghazi---another gun running operation, just like “Fast and Furious”, wherein Obama authorized another gun running operation providing weapons to the Mexican Drug Cartels. 


As Walter Russell Mead wrote, "No one other than the Butcher Assad and the unspeakable al-Baghdadi, is as responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria as Obama.” Instead of helping the millions of Syrian refugees in their homeland for the last 7 years, he did nothing and now wants the American people to accept the refugees.  Somewhere deep inside Obama’s supposedly Niebuhrian conscience even he must suspect there is some truth to this.  And even if his denial is total, he must understand that a great many historians and Americans will side with Mead in this appraisal. 

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bi-partisan American SAFE Act of 2015 with a vote of 289-137 (which included 47 Democrats who voted for approval).  The legislation was co-authored by an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL). The American SAFE Act simply calls for “a pause” in bringing in thousands of Muslim Refugees, only until the refugee screening process can be guarantees for each refugee by the Director of FBI and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  


Get this!!!   Obama has threatened to veto the legislation.  Every American should honestly ask themselves why Obama would refuse to work with the FBI to ensure that ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist are prevented from entering the United States?  There are only several reasons why Obama wouldn’t support such a “Pause.”


Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author  

Report: Al Q’ieda Terrorists Entered United States Through Refugee Program

DHS Secretary said ISIS may exploit refugee resettlement program

BY: Ali Meyer
November 18, 2015 4:05 pm


Two al Qaeda terrorists who had killed American soldiers were able to enter the country as refugees, according to a report released Wednesday from the House Homeland Security committee. Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, two Iraqi refugees settled in Bowling Green, Kentucky, after killing American soldiers, whom they bragged about having “for lunch and dinner.” In 2010, they were caught handling weapons, including included a machine gun and a missile launcher, that they planned to smuggle to insurgents in Iraq.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if there were many more than that,” said Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), the chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. “And these are trained terrorists in the art of bomb making that are inside the United States; and quite frankly, from a homeland security perspective, that really concerns me.”

The committee’s report found that the administration’s refugee resettlement program proposal will have a limited impact on alleviating the overall crisis but could have serious ramifications for U.S. homeland security.”


Jeh Johnson, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, admitted in October at a hearing before the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee that organizations such as the Islamic State might attempt to exploit the Syrian refugee resettlement program.


“It is true that we are not going to know a whole lot about the Syrians that come forth in this process,” he said  Obama’s refugee resettlement program is now under scrutiny after deadly terrorist attacks in Paris killed more than 120 people and left more than 300 injured on Friday. It is suspected that one of the terrorists entered the country as a refugee.


In addition to these attacks, men in Minnesota were apprehended by the feds for trying to join the Islamic State. There is growing concern that the state would be a recruiting ground for the Islamic State because of its large community of Somali refugees.


The report was released after a nearly year-long investigation evaluating challenges with allowing Syrian refugee flows into the United States.

Governors from many states are now refusing to allow Syrian refugees to resettle in their states.


“Given the tragic attacks in Paris and the threats we have already seen, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees—any one of whom could be connected to terrorism—being resettled in Texas,” said Gov. Greg Abbott.


“There is an undeniable connection between our refugee resettlement program and the increased risk of a terror attack within the United States,” said Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies.


“There have been roughly 70 terrorist plots in the United States since 9/11 and scores of young people who are first or second generation refugees and immigrants who have become involved in some way with Islamist jihadists, either by undertaking attacks here or traveling overseas to join a terrorist group, or both,” she said.


However, proponents of the program say that refugees have to go through the highest level of scrutiny by intelligence and security government agencies. “All refugees, including Syrians, are admitted only after successful completion of this stringent security screening regime,” a senior Obama administration official said.


“Our federal government has been in denial about the adequacy of our screening of arrivals in all categories,” said Vaughan. ”Not only have we not been able to screen effectively, we have not been able to control the activities of radical groups once they are here and become embedded in immigrant communities and able to recruit new followers.”

Requests for comment from the White House were not returned by press time.



The Refugee Resettlement Racket—the agencies that get paid to resettle the Muslim refugees  “refuse” to tell the state Governors and law enforcement agencies of the states where the Muslim refugee are being resettling will reside

The question arises, why are refugees always relocated to the United States? Why hardly ever to other countries? True, refugees from Syria and Iraq are now surging, uninvited into Europe. But as far as regular, sustained, year in year out refugee resettlement, its almost always been funneled to the United States. In just the last decade millions of refugees have been resettled into America. Most of these refugees have arrived from Muslim countries.

What is little known is that this is a BILLION dollar business; a huge wealth transfer from the US taxpayer to the coffers of just a handful of NGOs based here in the USA. If refugees are relocated to destinations outside the USA, the money flow is diminished. If all refugee resettlement to USA is ended the cash flow ends with it. In other words, the more refugees designated for resettlement into the USA, the more money goes to these NGOs.

Here below is a list of the NGOs at the heart of this massive scam. You will see the names of the organizations, their CEOs and the salaries of their CEOs. The next time you see one of these people making sanctimonious speeches about the plight of refugees, about how immoral you are to worry about your own safety, think of their six figure salaries and their limitless expense accounts, which YOU the taxpayer are paying. How convenient for them that their high minded life mission coincides with the fattening of their own bank accounts.

People of faith, in particular, might reflect on how their own churches have been co-opted by this Refugee Resettlement Racket.

Church World Service

Rev. John L. McCullough – President and CEO 2014 compensation; $288,206. CWS received $45.3 million in government grants in 2014, 56.8% of total revenues. Other income is received from George Soros’ Open Society Institute, Tides Foundation, Ford Foundation, Global Impact and other foundations that support the open borders agenda.
Source: 2014 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return

Ethiopian Community Development Council

Tsehaye Teffera – President 2014 compensation, $276,383. ECDC received $16.3 million in government grants in 2014, 93.4% of total revenues. ECDC has also received donations from the Open Society Institute, Komen Foundation, the United Way, Tides Foundation, even Citi Foundation (CitiBank), and others.
Source: 2014 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

Livonia Limon – President and CEO 2014 compensation; $300,326. Brother Peter Limon made $153,886 as “Field Director.” USCRI received $41.1 million in government grants in 2014, 91.3% of total revenues. It receives private funding from the Ford Foundation, California Community Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson, Nissan, the Oak Foundation, Western Union and others.
Source: 2014 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Linda Hartke – Ex-officio Director, President and CEO 2013 compensation; $227,803. LIRS received $46.4 million in government grants in 2013, 92.1% of total revenues. LIRS receives funding from the Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, Global Impact, Fidelity Investment Fund, Bank of America Fund, Annie E. Casey Foundation and many others.
Source: 2013 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return (latest available)

International Rescue Committee

David Miliband – CEO, President Former British Labor Party leader, His brother, “Red Ed” Miliband, Labor’s pick for prime minister. Milliband did not begin with IRC until late 2013. His predecessor’s 2013 compensation; $485,321. IRC received $305.5 million in government grants in 2013, 67.0% of total revenues. IRC and Miliband have friends in George Soros, the Clintons and Samantha Power. Among others, IRC has received $1.2 million from Soros’ Foundations and $2 million from the Ford Foundation over the past decade.
Source: 2013 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return (latest available)

World Relief

Stephan Bauman – President/CEO 2014 compensation, $192,194. WR received $41.2 million in government grants in 2014, 70.4% of total revenues. WRI is a member of the Immigration Alliance, a network of 30,000 churches “to provide critical immigration legal services to under-resourced immigrants.” Private foundation supporters include the Vanguard Charitable Foundation, Mustard Seed Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Pfizer Foundation, Global Impact and many others.
Source: 2014 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

Mark Hetfield – 2013 compensation; $300,108. HIAS received $16.3 million in government grants in 2013, 52.1% of total revenues. HIAS receives funding from the Open Society Foundation, Vanguard, Tides, Bank of America, Fidelity, many Jewish foundations and family funds.
Source: 2013 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return (latest available)

Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Each Catholic Charities organization files its own tax returns separately. The largest is Catholic Charities of Chicago.
Msgr. Michael M. Boland – President & CEO 2014 compensation not listed. Chief of Staff John Ryan compensation; $207,760. In 2014, Catholic Charities of Chicago received government grants of $104.7 million, 59.1% of total revenues. In 2014, all Catholic Charities nationwide received at least $551.3 million in government grants.
Sources: 2014 IRS 990 Non-profit tax return

Episcopal Migration MinistriesOfficially known as the Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church USA. Repeating the “welcoming” mantra, EMM lists its first order of business as Welcoming Services. “Episcopal Migration Ministries' affiliate partners provide refugees with the information and services they require to thrive in their new communities within just months after arriving.”
Executive Director Deborah Stein. Compensation unknown.
EMM does not provide non-profit tax returns so the proportion it receives from government is not known, however since 2008, EMM has received $105.2 million from the federal government for its refugee/immigrant work. In 2014, it received $16.7 million. This Refugee Resettlement Racket continues to be funded by the US Congress, regardless of the fact that 250 of those refugees have already gone to train and fight with ISIS, in order to kill Syrian and Assyrian Christians and the program is a threat to the National Security of the United States because the law enforcement agencies are prevented from learning where they are being resettled.