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President Obama's Plans to Share US Missile Defense Secrets With Russia

  • President Obama's Plans to Share US Missile Defense Secrets With Russia

In Investor Business, it was reported that President Obama plans to share sensitive Aegis ballistic missile defense data with Russia; this was very disturbing article for me to read after the loss of so many of my classmates and men I served with in defense of the Republic.  In the follow on letter dated March 26, 2012, Congressman Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, asks the President for an “urgent explanation of [his] comments to President Medvedev in Seoul, where the president stated in regard to missile defense in Europe that “this is my last election, and after my election I'll have more flexibility.”  “As the Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, which authorizes U.S. missile defense and nuclear weapons policy, I want to make it perfectly clear that my colleagues and I will not allow any attempts to trade missile defense of the United States to Russia or any other country,” wrote Turner.

Congress has included in the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which the president has signed into law, a provision constraining his ability to share classified U.S. missile defense information with the Russian Federation. Congress took this step because it was clear based upon official testimony and the Obama Administration’s comments in the press that classified information about U.S. missile defenses, including hit-to-kill technology and velocity at burnout information, may be on the table as negotiating leverage for President Obama’s reset with Russia.  

“Despite signing the FY12 defense authorization legislation into law, you then issued a signing statement signaling that you may treat the provision protecting U.S. missile defense information as non-binding.  This morning’s comments, on top of that action, suggests that you and your administration have plans for U.S. missile defenses that you believe will not stand up to electoral scrutiny,” added Turner.

Please listen to the President’s own words by clicking on this link ; he says he will have no restrictions on negotiating US Missile Defense issues with Russia after the election.  My first thought was, what else will he have no restrictions on doing to the Free Enterprise System and this delicate Republic in violation of Congressional measures signed into law and in violation of the precepts of the US Constitution after the election?