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Working With Podesta, John Brennan Failed To Initiate A Soft Coup To Disenfranchise Trump

  • Working With Podesta, John Brennan Failed To Initiate A Soft Coup To Disenfranchise Trump

By Capt Joseph R. John, December 16, 2016

In a last ditch attempt and an all-out blitz, Van Jones (the former Obama administration “Green Jobs Czar” who was forced to resign when it was revealed that he was a hard core Communist, with close ties with the Communist Terrorist Bill Ayers and other hard core Communists), John Podesta, the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign who was on the Board of Directors of one of Putin’s International Russian Front Companies, and Mike Morrell (who as Acting Director of the CIA, lied repeatedly about Benghazi attack was initiated by a YouTube video when he knew it was an attack by 125 Radical Islamic Terrorists, and was expecting a high paying position in the Clinton administration as a payoff for his bold faced lies) conspired to keep President Elect Donald J. Trump from becoming the 45th President of the United States.  

Podesta, Jones, and Morrell worked with John Brennan, the Director of the CIA to join in a Hillary Presidential Campaign conspiracy, to release intelligence reports from “unnamed” sources that Russia used cyber activities to favor Trump’s election, and to try to persuade the members of the Electoral College, and that Donald Trump knew about Russia’s cyber activities in his favor.  

The truth of the matter is that Russia has been trying to negatively affect every Presidential campaignsince President John F. Kennedy was elected, not to favor one candidate over the other, but in order to try to make the Americans lose faith in the election process for President every 4 years (they are making progress).

In a parallel effort by Van Jones, John Podesta, Mike Morrell, Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign, members of the left leaning Hollywood community releasing TV ads, the left of center liberal media establishment, and as of today even Obama’s Press Secretary, Josh Earnest (speaking for Obama), are promoting a massive last ditch effort to convince 538 electors of the Electoral College not to vote for President Elect Donald J. Trump on Monday, December 19th.  

Some of the electors have reported receiving as many as of 48,000 E-mails, texts, and phone calls at all hours of the night, harassing them, and threatening their lives if they don’t vote for Hillary.  Those activities by radical left democrats progressives, threatening the lives of electors, trying upset the will of the American people in a Presidential election are federal crimes.  Yet Obama’s inept US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has done absolutely nothing to enforce US Federal Voting Laws, charging radical activists and progressives with making threats against the lives of electors.   

With the encouragement of John Podesta, John Brennan led the effort at CIA to promote speculation that Russia favored Trump over Clinton in the 2016 election.  It is rather interesting that John Brennan has more of an connection with Communists than President Elect Donald J. Trump.  John Brennan, recently disclosed that he voted for a Communist Party (CPUSA) candidate in an election, even though he knew that the CPUSA was funded by Moscow and is known to provide cover for Soviet espionage activities in the United States.  

John Brennan recently said he recalled being asked a standard question to qualify for his Top Secret SCI Comparted Clearance at his CIA lie detector test.  He was asked: “Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the US? “  Brennan said “I froze… I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate.”

John Podesta, and Brennan, came together to develop a “Soft Coup” to create doubt in the election of President Elect Donald J. Trump’s, by initiating a disinformation campaign, working closely with the left of center liberal media establishment, and with some very junior new liberal Intelligence Analysts in the CIA (the “old guard” at the CIA oppose the new Intelligence Analyst who strongly support Hillary).  

Their collective agreement led Brennan to release unfounded stealth information that it was the CIA’s judgement that Russian entities hacked both Democrats and Republicans, but only the Democratic information was leaked to WikiLeaks (the Republican National Committee said their computers were never hacked, and disagreed with that assessment).

That is all of it----fake “intelligence” from Brennan, that was supposedly CIA based, in reality, it is the dishonest and flawed judgment of Brennan submitted by his liberal CIA Intelligence Analysts who support Hillary.  Put it in prospective----it is John Brennan’s, “Fake Intelligence.  Brennan, Podesta, Jones, and Morrell are carrying out this aggressive disinformation campaign to delegitimize the election of Donald J. Trump and affect the electors votes on December 19th; they should be prosecuted for their actions by President Trump’s new US Attorney General.

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James R. Clapper said DNI reported that he has no evidence that the Russians had the capacity to hack or has used cyber activities to influence voters to elect Donald Trump, in order to defeat Hillary Clinton in the election.  The DNI refused to provide briefers to the House Intelligence Committee who asked the FBI, the CIA, the DNI, and the NSA to appears at a closed classified briefing, because they have absolutely no proof the Russians were involved in hacking voting machines to affect the election.  Their refusal is unusual, given that the House Intelligence Committee panel is the most-senior Congressional Committee with jurisdiction over NSA, DNI and CIA. 

James Clapper let it be known that he would not walk the plank for John Brennan.  James Clapper previously perjured himself under oath for telling a Congressional Committee in March 2013, that NSA does not collect any type of data, at all, on millions of Americans, and had to agree to resign on January 20, 2017.  He apparently felt that he could not stomach saying more lies for the Obama administration. Clappers’ refusal to lie for Brennan, isolated Brennan's dishonest releases in his whispering campaign of invalid intelligence.  Brennan has no place to hide now.  The CIA could have easily sent one briefer to a classified session of the House Intelligence Committee who would have had to endure the indignity of admitting that the CIA had absolutely no hard evidence to buttress its speculation that Russia favored Trump and influenced the election.

Isn’t it interesting that in 8 years, Obama has managed to compromise what was once the pillars of justice in the Republic----Obama’s appointed hacks have delved in petty politics and damaged the credibility of  the Justice Department, the FBI, the IRS, DHS, and the DIA (50 Intelligence Analysts whose “Threat Assessments” on ISIS and Al Q’ieda at Central Command were downgraded, filed a formal complaint that their “Threat Assessments” were continually downgraded to meet with Obama’s less threatening narrative).

At a minimum, John Brennan should be dismissed for his attempted “Soft Coup” and for seriously tarnishing the reputation of the CIA.

More detailed information about the “Soft Coup” by Brennan is listed in the below listed article. 

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author. 

John Brennan’s Failed Soft Coup?
By Larry Johnson - 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

This should be setting off alarm bells throughout the U.S. Government, but especially within the intel community and the military. CIA Director John Brennan appears to have tried and failed to take out Donald Trump. It is his Agency that spread the lie that Russia made it possible for Trump to win the Presidency. This was not the idle opinion of some underling. Someone was given permission to tell elected Legislators a lie. A bald faced lie. Brennan, and no one else, bears ultimate responsibility for this lie.

When the news first broke last Friday that the CIA had told Senators that Russia essentially gave the election to Donald Trump the politicians and pundits infesting Washington were up in arms. Hell, even John McCain and Lindsay “Little Old Lady” Graham jumped on the hysteria bandwagon to voice outrage and threaten Russia. Tonight we learn that Brennan was lying.

Here’s the report on Fox:

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session, Fox News is told.

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.

But Fox News is told the agencies refused to provide briefers, which is unusual given the panel is the most-senior committee with jurisdiction.

I have heard from knowledgeable friends that Clapper finally decided he would not walk the plank for John Brennan. Clapper has lied once before to the Senate and apparently felt that he could stomach no more lies. This isolated Brennan. He has no place to hide now. He could have sent a briefer who would have had to endure the indignity of admitting that the CIA had no hard evidence to buttress its speculation that Russia favored Trump.

This is more than a lie folks. This represents the first time in my life that the Director of the CIA has tried to intervene and disrupt a Presidential election. Brennan should be immediately dismissed and he should pray to God (or Allah) that he is not prosecuted for sedition. Given his prior service as the Chief of Station in Saudi Arabia, one begins to wonder if he has been protecting the interests of America or serving those of a foreign power?

The damage this will do to the CIA is dangerous for America. It has once again cried wolf, and no wolf was there. Its credibility is tarnished, perhaps beyond repair. The aura of an outfit dedicated to the truth regardless of the political party in power is destroyed. We are left, instead, with the wreckage of petty bureaucracy more keen on playing politics and slanting facts rather than getting the best information and telling the truth.

This also completely destroys the Democrat effort to gather support to brief the Electors, who have no security clearances. How in the world can you justify briefing Electors when you are refusing to brief members of Congress who do have the clearances?

John Brennan, You have put America at risk.