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Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote in Video - Promises No Repercussions

  • Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote in Video - Promises No Repercussions

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 7, 2016

The nation has had a very serious Voter Fraud problem, going back to the Nixon Kennedy Presidential election of 1960, when Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago was accused of having his Democratic Machine perpetrate “Voter Fraud” in the city of Chicago.  The Chicago voting total tipped the state of Illinois into John Kennedy’s win column, and threw the Presidential election to John Kennedy.  The Democratic “machine” came up with 8,858 votes from Chicago graveyards and elsewhere to steal the election from Richard Nixon.  Even though Richard Nixon was provided with evidence of massive “Voter Fraud” perpetrated by the Chicago Democratic Machine, he refused to contest the election because he didn’t want to create a Constitutional crisis in the United States.


In 1982, Voter Fraud rose its ugly head again un Chicago and resulted in one of the largest “Voter Fraud” prosecutions ever conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice.  The telltale smoke arose out of one of the closest governor's races in Illi­nois history; and as for the fire, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in the city) had been cast.  Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were convicted.  CBS’ Local Chicago affiliate reported that 119 dead people have voted 229 times in the last decade, with one dead man voting 11 times.


Obama met Madeleine Talbot, part of the Chicago branch of ACORN, he was asked to train the ACORN staff in Chicago after he graduated from Harvard and moved to Chicago.  ACORN engaged in bullying banks, forcing them to issue risky loans, and ACORN intimidated and disrupted businesses.  During the 2004 United States Presidential elections, Voter Fraud raised its ugly head again, and the American voters nationally first became acquainted with ACORN, which was funded by the Democratic party.  ACORN perpetrated voter fraud in massive amounts in the 2008 Presidential election of Obama.  There were 11 major investigations across the nation involving thousands of potentially fraudulent actions by ACORN employees following the election. 


In 2009, ACORN was charged and convicted in Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and California of massive “Voter Registration Fraud.”  ACORN simply kept the same people on its employment rolls, and changed the name of the organization in every state in the union, and continued to train its personnel to perpetrate “Voter Fraud.”  


From 2008 to 2012, Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services funded those same former ACORN organizations, and enabled them to continue registration fraud of Illegal Aliens in many states.  They have become very effective in states that issue drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens, so those Illegal Aliens can use their driver’s licenses to obtain Social Security numbers, and then use both the driver’s license and Social Security Cards to register to vote.  


In the 2012 presidential election, many Illegal aliens voted.  Those former ACORN organizations were funded by Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services from 2012 to 2016 which enabled them to continue the “Voter Registration Fraud.”   

Hans Von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow and manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation, has maintained that there’s enough “Voter Fraud” to make a difference in a close election.  His think tank has compiled 430 cases of “Voter Fraud” that resulted in a conviction or a judge ordering a new election. ( 11/7/16)

Several cases have arisen in just the past week, along with the revelations by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which captured on hidden camera a top Democratic operative engineering wide-scale “Vote Fraud.” ( 11/7/16) 


Last Thursday in Pennsylvania, a state the Trump campaign believes it can win, state police raided two offices of a voter registration group in Philadelphia after raiding another office in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just days earlier.  The Philadelphia Inquirer reported police used a warrant seeking forms that could be used to “construct fraudulent voter registration forms” and “completed voter registration forms containing same or similar identifying information of individuals on multiple forms.”

( 11/7/16) 


State officials in Texas are investigating reports of a “vote harvesting” scheme in which as many as 20,000 ballots has been filled in and delivered for people in Tarrant County. ( 11/7/16) 


In San Pedro, California, on Saturday, reported, Jerry Mosna found 83 unused election ballots – all addressed to different people – stacked on the mailbox of an elderly neighbor who lives in a two-bedroom apartment.. ( 11/7/16)


This year Illegal Aliens have been flooding across the wide open southern border, they have been released upon entry in accordance with Obama’s instructions (they should have been quarantined for at least 30 days in accordance with US Federal Immigration Laws, before release).  It has been reported that hundreds of thousands of those Illegal Aliens have been registered to vote illegally. 


If you click on the below listed link you will be able to watch a video of Obama encouraging Illegal Aliens to vote, and he promises them, in the interview, that there will be no repercussions if they vote illegally—a violation of US Federal Voting Laws.  Obama is the first occupant of the Oval Office in 240 years to encourage Illegal Aliens to vote, while assuring them that there will not be any repercussions for voting illegally. 


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author. 



Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote - Promises No Repercussions 


When multiple supporters sent the below listed link to us we said, no way, even Obama would never say to vote illegally.

But we were wrong.

Barack Obama illegally and openly called on Illegal Aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election------just watch the below listed video when you click on the below listed link.

The Obama administration has proved to be lawless when it comes to US Federal Voting Laws by viewing the below listed link!

They Hillary and Obama have been lying at every turn.

The occupant in the Oval Office lied to get Obamacare passed when he said you can keep your doctor and your insurance.
The occupant of the Oval Office and Hillary lied about Benghazi when they said it was a spontaneous riot about a movie, not terrorism.
The occupant of the Oval Office lied when he said he didn’t know about Hillary’s private illegal server and emails.

The occupant in the Oval Office said I will bridge the gap between black and white Americas. 

Click here: Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported. - 