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Bill Whittles Video On "Black Lives Matter"

  • Bill Whittles Video On "Black Lives Matter"

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 6, 2016 

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international movement that began in 2014.  BLM has 30 local chapters in the US with campaigns to call attention to violence against black people.  BLM regularly protests police brutality and police shootings of black people.  Since 2014, BLM has organized 1000+ protest demonstrations, and it has now become a movement designed to instill fear, mainly in Police Officers.  


FBI Director James Comey suggested that the BLM demonstrations are partly responsible for a national rise in crime, because Police Officers have held back from doing their duty, or have been afraid to leave their patrol cars to do thorough policing.


At the Minnesota State Fair BLM activists chanted “Pigs in a blanket! Fry 'Em like bacon!” In New York after two Police Officers were assassinated, demonstrators chanted “No justice, no peace!”  In Phoenix, BLM demonstrators chanted to Police “We should shoot you!”  In Chicago, BLM demonstrators chanted “No Racist police!”  There are many more chants threatening Police Officers.


Every American voter should watch the below listed very short video by Bill Whittle in order to learn why George Soros and the Ford Foundation, with the strong support of Obama, is raising $130 million for the Black Lives Movement Fund to promote and expand Black Lives Matter demonstrators.  


Obama has been holding meetings in The White House with the leaders of Black Lives Matter.  (There are photos of the leaders of Black Lives Matter meetings with Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch in The White House in the below listed video.)  


The real reason Obama is raising such a large amount of money in such a short period of time to fund the Black Lives Movement Fund with $130 million is to expand BLM activities and demonstrations throughout the nation, in order to motivate black youth to promote, and support the election of Hillary Clinton.


The Black Lives Matter program supported by Obama, Hillary Clinton, Soros, Loretta Lynch, and the Ford Foundation has been whipping up black youth to demonstrate against Police Officers, who they have been falsely blamed for intentionally targeting black youth for murder.   


Since those demonstrations blaming Police Officers for intentionally killing black youth began, there have been 14 ambush-style police assassination throughout the nation, including the assassinations of 5 Police Officers in Dallas (after a BLM demonstration), 3 Police Officers in Baton Rouge (after a BLM demonstration), 2 Police Officers in Houston, 1 Police Officer in Milwaukee, 2 Police Officers in New York City, and 1 Police Officer in Kansas City.

Ever since Hillary Clinton graduated from college and went to work for the Black Panthers, she has never been supportive of law enforcement or the rule of law.  Hillary met with BLM representatives in August 2015 and again in October 2015.   Hillary Clinton has called for the retraining of Police Officers to get them to stop killing black youth.  

Hillary does not oppose BLM demonstrations with their threatening chants, designed to instigate violence against Police Officers.  Every time a black youth is killed in a confrontation with Police Officers, even when that person is armed with a gun and is threatening Police Officers, Hillary calls attention to another Police Officer shooting, as if the Police were solely responsible for killing another black youth.     

In 2016, Black Lives Matter demonstrations, throughout the nation, have contributed significantly to 20% of all Police Officers ambush-style shootings.  Those ambush-style shootings are planned and executed to blind-side and kill unsuspecting Police Officers, have not only resulted in 14 assassinations of Police Officers, but have also resulted in the wounding of many other Police Officers. 

 Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.