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The FBI Report On Hillary Clintons Transmission Of Classified Messages On Her Unclassfied Server

  • The FBI Report On Hillary Clintons Transmission Of Classified Messages On Her Unclassfied Server

By Capt Joseph R. John, September 6, 2016

The FBI Reported how, in the ten below listed ways, Hillary Clinton’s used her Unclassified E-mail server to repeatedly receive and transmit highly classified messages in violation of US Government National Security and Federal Regulations for handling those messages.  When Hillary was appointed as Secretary of State, two FBI Agents sat with her for 2 hours and went through all the National Security Regulations, on how she would be required to handle classified material, including Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and SCI compartmented information.  Following that briefing, the FBI Agents required Hillary to read, then sign a document under penalty of perjury, that she fully understood her responsibility for handling classified material.


Hillary Clinton was never authorized to conduct State Department business on her private Unclassified server located in her bathroom in her home.  Hillary would have been required to solicit and gain approval from the US Government if she wanted to conduct official business on the E-mail server in her home.  She violated National Security Regulations for failing to request permission to use a private Unclassified server in her home, and ignored previous instructions on how to handle classified information, because she knew that her request to employ a private server in her home would have been disapproved.    


When the FBI asked Hillary why she deleted 33,000 messages that were the property of the Federal Government, she repeated 37 times that she couldn’t remember.  The FBI has since recovered 17,000+ of messages that Hillary refused to give to the State Department Inspector General; 30 of them discussed events around the preplanned commando attack by 125 Radical Ialamic Terrorists on the US Mission in Benghazi and the murder of 4 Americans.


Over a four year period, “over and over again,” with blantat and complete disregard for the legal procedures for handling classified material, Hillary transmitted more than one thousand highly classified E-mails, some of which were so sensitive and so highly classified, that even members of Congress will “never” be permitted to ever view their content.  


When the FBI asked Hillary why she transmitted messages on an Unclassified server that had “C” next to the paragraphs, she said she didn’t know what “C” meant, but thought it might have had something to do with alphabetical order (after handling highly classified messages as a Senator and the Secretary of State for over 10 years, and after her briefing by two FBI Agents on the proper handling of classified material, Hillary’s response was either evidence that she is stupid, or that she was telling another lie). 


Hillary Clinton also ignored the US Government Regulations warning all US diplomats not to use mobile devices for official business.  The FBI reported: “Clinton and her immediate staff were notified of foreign travel risks, and were warned that digital threats begin immediately upon landing in a foreign country, since connections of a mobile device to a local network provides opportunities for foreign adversaries to intercept voice and E-mail transmissions.”  For over 4 years, Hillary Clinton and her immediate staff, ignored and violated those warnings on the use of mobile devices when they traveled to foreign countries.  


Obama compromised the objectivity of the IRS, when he used his appointees at the IRS to restrict the ability of Conservative Organizations to obtain a tax IDs from the IRS, which is required for them to participate in national elections.  The IRS Director is now undergoing Impeachment Proceedings in the House of Representatives, because he tried to cover up the IRS political actions to prevent Conservative Americans from participating in national elections, in violation of the US Constitution.  


Most recently the Director of the FBI failed to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her violation in handling classified material for four years; many military personnel have been convicted of, and are now serving jail sentences for lesser violations.  Late this past Friday afternoon, just prior to the long Labor Day weekend, the FBI released the below listed information about Hillary's violations in handling classified material.  That is the same method of information release that politicians have used in the past, when they were trying to minimize the effect that the release of specific information would have on the ability of the American citizens to receive and assimilate the information the politician was trying to hide from the majority of the American people.  Obama not only compromised the objectivity of the IRS, but he has also now compromised the stellar objectivity of the FBI by interjecting politics into both agencies.  


American citizens would certainly embrace a female President with a reputation for honesty, verasity, and competence, someone like former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of England.   Hillary has proved to be so inept and so corrupt at properly handling classified material, that her previous handling of America’s secrets has been detrimental to the National Security of the United States.  She was so flagrant in her disregard for National Security Regualtions, that she should never be permitted to hold a governement position again.  If Hillary applied for employment with the FBI today, due to her previous handling of classified material, she would not be able to otain a security clearance.  


Hillary Clinton was fired by the Democrat Congressional Counsel during the Nixon Impeachment Hearing for repeatedly misrepresenting facts to him, and her inability to tell the truth has not changed for 40 years.  Please read the below list of the FBI’s findings!!

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.

- SEPTEMBER 02 2016 -  



The FBI Reported Ten Different Violation of the Handling of Classified Messages by Hillary Clinton’s Private Email System.  Hillary’s  Repeated Violations, Over a Four year Period, Demonstrated Her Blatant Disregard For The US Government’s Classification System

DISCOVERY ONE: Clinton Deleted Her Private Email Archive “A Few Weeks After The New York Times Disclosed” The Private Server.Viser Tweet: “A few weeks after the NYT disclosed that Hillary Clinton had a private email account, her archive inbox was deleted.”   The automatic shredding began for 33,000 messages.(, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY TWO: Clinton demonstrated her incompetence by stating she did not Know the (C) Mark Meant Confidential, And Did Not “Pay Attention To Diff Classification Levels.” Hillary couldn’t recognize what documents should be protected; like E-mails regarding highly sensitive specific drone strikes, and sent them over her private Unclassified server..  Hillary also claimed she didn’t know how document classifications worked; even a private in the Marine Corps knows the difference between Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret.  Seitz-Wald Tweet: “Clinton said she didn't know what (c) mark meant, didn't pay attention to different classification levels, treated all srsly.” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY THREE: “In addition to the 33,000 E-mails Hillary destroyed, there were 17,448 additional work-related E-mails that Clinton h id and refused to Turn Over To The State Department Inspector General, including 30 on the Battle of Benghazi---she lied to Congress and said she turned all of them over.” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY FOUR: As Secretary Of State Clinton “Had 13 Mobile Devices And 5 iPads” That she transmitted to her Unclassified E-mail, server.  Hillary lied again to Congress to and said she only had one. Viser Tweet: “Hillary Clinton, who said she had her private email for convenience, had 13 mobile devices and 5 iPads, according to FBI.” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY FIVE: Clinton’s Lawyers Could Not Locate The 13 Mobile Devices With Her Email Address, Hillary said she repeatedly loast them, and they all had Secret and Top Secret messages on them--------another Hillary’s many lies. Viser Tweet: ‘FBI found 13 total mobile devices associated with Clinton’s 2 phone numbers. Her lawyers couldn’t locate the devices” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY SIX: “The FBI Determined That Clinton Brought Her Blackberry Into A Secure Area At the State Department, Which Is Prohibited by National Security Regulations.” Those devices are supposed to be left in a container outside of a Skiff or outside a classified area (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY SEVEN: Clinton’s Email Archive Was Transferred Onto A Personal Gmail Address To Help Archive The Records; it was done with a personal unclassified personal G-mail account which is a violation of National Security Regulations. Zapotosky Tweet: “In 2014, in an effort to transfer an archive of Clinton emails from a laptop onto a server, someone used a personal Gmail address to help” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY EIGHT: Clinton said she Deleted 30,000 of  Her Emails Because She said she Thought “She Didn't Need Them Anymore, subsequently it was determined 33,000+ messages were not deleted, they were scrubbed clean by Clinton which is a violation of US Federal Law---those E-mails belonged to the US State Department.”Cilizza Tweet: ‘Clinton told the FBI she deleted her emails because she didn't need them anymore not to avoid FOIA”(, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY NINE: Hillary was terrified that she had been hacked; she had received a variety of phishing E-mails, including porn solicitations.  They knew that someone Tried To Hack Into Clinton’s iCloud Account; others including Wiki Leak and a Russian based hacker say they had actually hacked into Hillary’s Unclassified server.  Messages on her Unclassified server gave away the location of the US Ambassador to Libya on 9/11, and revealed for all practical purposes there was absolutely “No Security” at the US Mission in Benghazi where Ambassador Stevens, was captured, tortured with a cattle probe,  and murdered---it also revealed that the inept Libyan guards hired by the State Department to protect the US Mission in Benghazi didn’t even have bullets in their weapons. Viser Tweet: “The FBI found that someone was trying to hack into Hillary Clinton’s iCloud account. They were unsuccessful.” (, 9/2/16)

DISCOVERY TEN: “Hillary Clinton Sent Out An Email To All State Employees Warning Them Against Using Personal Email Addresses”-----She should be charged with the violation of National Security Regulations, and has no business getting within 1000 yards of the Oval Office or any classified messages  (, 9/2/16)

BONUS DISCOVERY: “The Phrase ‘Could Not Recall’ Or ‘Did Not Recall’ Appears 37 Times In Hillary Clinton FBI Interview Transcript.”(, 9/2/16)