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Cong Steve Stivers, LTC-USANG Obama Negotiated Iranian Nuclear Deal From Position of Weakness

  • Cong Steve Stivers, LTC-USANG Obama Negotiated Iranian Nuclear Deal From Position of Weakness

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2015


In the below listed statement, another endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Steve Stivers, LTC-USANG (R-OH-15), expressed his firm opposition to the very dangerous International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement; which in fact is a “Treaty” according to provisions of the US Constitution, it is should never had been passed as a Congressional bill, renaming an International Treaty an Agreement.  Cong Stivers stated, “As a 30-year military veteran, I know that when America leads, the world is safer place. I opposed the nuclear deal with Iran because our negotiators lost sight of this fundamental principle.   The Obama Administration negotiated from a position of weakness.”  Cong Stivers went on to say, “We must also make it clear to Iran that the United States can and will use military force to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon...and we have to mean it.” There are two side provisions to the very dangerous Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty improperly referred by the liberal media as an Agreement; Obama has kept those two side provisions SECRET from the US Congress and the American people.  


It is getting to be standard operating procedure for Obama to keep provisions of what he mislabels, as an Agreement (that are in fact, International Treaties), SECRET from the American people.  Just like the SECRET provisions in the “Unconstitutional” 800 page Fast Track Trade Legislation (TPP), which was authorized by the TPA Bill that Obama signed into law in May 2015.  Provisions in the TPP bill is still preventing American citizens from knowing the type of trade deals that will be approved until after they are negotiated.  A SECRET provision, such as preventing low cost prescriptions drugs (generic drugs), from being imported into the US, raising the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans.  An another SECRET provision approving new increased quotas for millions of Illegal Aliens to enter the US, from each of the 12 Pacific Rim countries; those Illegal Aliens will be issued work permits (including allowing hundreds of thousands new Illegal Aliens from Mexico to enter the US).  American citizens have not been told that TPP will ultimately result in allowing millions of new Illegal Aliens to receive work permits so they can unfairly compete, with 94 million unemployed Americans for very scarce jobs, because they will be willing to work for much lower wages, that Americans can’t afford to do.      


In order to explain how the Republican leaders in Congress authorized Obama to treat the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty as a Congressional measure, instead of as an International Treaty, the following information is provided. Obama did not want to have the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, voted on by the US Senate as a Treaty, because he knew he would not be able to get 2/3rd of the Senate to vote for its passage.   So in May 2015, Sen Bob Corker (R-TN-Senate), working closely with Senate Majority Leader Mitch O’Connell (R-KY-Senate), and sponsored a Senate bill that renamed the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty an Agreement and passed it as a Senate bill, instead treating it as an International Treaty that “IT IS”, in accordance with provisions of the US Constitution.  


After Mitch McConnell, passed the bill in the Senate, Speaker Boehner cooperated with McConnell and passed Senator Corker’s bill in the House calling it the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement.  Obama then signed that Congressional bill, calling the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty an Agreement.   After they passed the Congressional bill, Boehner and McConnell made a big show of getting the House and the Senate to vocally disapprove and vote against certain provisions of the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty.  That set the stage for Obama to be able to veto the Republican led vote against the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement.  Now it would require a 2/3rd vote of the Senate to over-ride Obama’s veto.  Obama did not want to have the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, voted on by the US Senate as a Treaty, because he knew he would not be able to get 2/3rd of the Senate to vote for its passage.  So “the fix was in” not to require 2/3rd of the vote of the Senate to approve a “very dangerous” Treaty, but to require a  2/3rd vote of the Senate to over-ride a veto by Obama, which the Republicans didn’t have the votes to oppose.  Now you know how Obama working with the Republican leadership got the International Treaty treated as a Congressional bill.


While the duplicity was underway in Congress, a major lobbying effort was mounted by the Iranian Lobby and Boeing to remove the economic sanctions the US had imposed against Iran.  Boeing had negotiated a contract to build 500 new planes for Iran Air, but could not execute the contract as long as the Iranian economic sanctions were in place by the US Congress.  The “National Review” reported that Boeing donated $3.2 million in campaign contributions to Senators to get the Iranian sanctions lifted.  The top recipients of Boeing’s cash contributions went to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and the National Senatorial Committee. 


Boeing spent an additional $17 million lobbying the Congress to lift the economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the Congress, and the Iranian Lobby donated millions of dollars to Republican campaigns and the National Senatorial Committee to get them to remove the economic sanctions from Iran, and to pass a Congressional bill  to treat the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty in as an Agreement.  The Boeing contract to build 500 aircraft for Iran Air will result in the transfer very sensitive advanced avionics and sensitive advanced  technology to the largest State Sponsor of Terrorism in the World, and Boeing’s advanced technology will support the development of a fleet of Iranian military bombers.  The traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East are witnessing how lifting Iran’s economic sanctions is helping the largest State Sponsor of Terrorism in the World to develop another delivery system for nuclear weapons to be able to facilitate Iran to attack its avowed enemies (Israel and Saudi Arabia).


To oppose the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, protect the national security interests of the Republic, and safeguard future generations of Americans from nuclear weapons attack, the Republican Majority Leader in the US Senate should have employed the same nuclear option, requiring only 51 votes to pass the same type of measure in the Senate that Senator Harry Reid employed successfully against the Republicans in the Senate.  It would only have taken 51 votes to pass Senate Resolution 251 that declared that the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, must be treated, in fact, as an International Treaty requiring a 2/3rd vote of the Senate for approval.  


Just today we were informed that Iran is opposed to certain provisions of the International Nuclear Weapons Treaty (Agreement) and is planning to violate those provisions of the Agreement, while Obama is ensuring the US abides by every provision of the Agreement with Iran, the largest “State Sponsor of Terrorism,” that has been killing thousands of Americans for over 35 years.  Please review Congressman Stivers’ below listed Policy Statements on his opposition to the dangerous International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement Obama entered into.  


Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author  

As a 30-year military veteran, I know that when America leads, the world is safer place. I opposed the nuclear deal with Iran because our negotiators lost sight of this fundamental principle.


The Obama Administration negotiated from a position of weakness. The result: Iran -- the largest state sponsor of terrorism -- will receive billions of dollars, won't have to destroy its nuclear infrastructure and can delay inspections for more than three weeks at a time. 


Meanwhile, America got a bad deal that will not prevent a nuclear Iran and may actually facilitate it. The deal should have been rejected. Sanctions should be reinstated to force Iran back to the negotiating table. We must also make it clear to Iran that the United States can and will use military force to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon...and we have to mean it. 


There is still time for America to lead, and another way forward.