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After Ferguson Protesters Burns an American Flag

  • After Ferguson Protesters Burns an American Flag

In the below listed article, it was reported that Communist, Palestinian, and Black Panther demonstrators in Ferguson burned an American Flag last night.  The continued demonstrations are a result of the Obama administrations subtle support for them.  The occupant of the Oval Office has not seriously tried to heal the racial conflict that has developed over the last 6 years.  It is the worst racial conflict that has developed in America in over 60 years, because of Obama’s inept leadership, even though he has the unique ability to easily heal the rift. 

The left of center liberal media establishment, has been trying to cover up the fact that Michael Brown, was a criminal, was high on marijuana, first robbed a convenient store, then when a police officer was dispatched in response to the robbery, Brown beat him inside his police car while trying to take his gun, then Brown charged the police officer, the police officer finally shot Brown in self-defense, and the officer’s shooting was found to be justified by a grand jury that was empaneled long before the shooting ever occurred.  


The left of center liberal media establishment also tried to cover up the burning of the American Flag, by not reporting it.  Those communists demonstrators who have been burning police cars and businesses in Ferguson, and burned the American Flag, support Obama, and campaigned for his elections in 2010 and 2012


The communist demonstrators told the National Guardsmen, who were guarding the police station across the street from where the anti-American communists burned the American Flag, that the American Flag was just a piece of cloth, and that the American Flag didn’t belong to them.  


Those of us who served on foreign fields of combat, repeatedly fought under the American Flag and defended it---the American Flag is not just a piece of cloth, and it “does belong to all of us who fought for and under it.

After Ferguson Protester Burns an American Flag

by Brian Hayes 

Saturday night in Ferguson, Missouri, Communist and ‘Palestinian’ protesters came to town and descended on the police station.

It got very ugly. But you didn’t see any of it on your nightly news program.

They displayed Marxist flags, and shouted “the only solution is a Communist revolution!”


They chanted for the National Guard troops guarding the station to “turn your guns around and shoot the bosses down” — meaning to kill the police inside, causing even some in the media to gasp in shock.

And then they did a truly vile act: they burned an American flag and taunted the troops while doing it.

One punk even lit up a joint in the flames of a burning American flag. 

The protesters reveled in their hatred for America.

But those who faced off with these “protesters” love America, and showed it in an incredible display of patriotism and respect for that flag, and those who died fighting beneath it.

They left their post at the police station, and went across the street to where these vile protesters were gathered — to try and retrieve that flag.

Showing their Patriotic character — and the shameful lack of character of those demanding “justice” for Mike Brown.

And if you are like me, it will put a lump in your throat.


The burning of the American flag was shot by the USTREAM Mike Brown activist RebelutionaryZ — who derisively told the soldiers: “It’s just a piece of cloth.”

“But it means something to us“, one soldier replied.

Amen to that.

God bless these men. We thank them for their service and honor. We hope to find out who they are and report back to you in the days to come.