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Obama Administration Quietly Prepares Surge of Millions of New Immigrant IDs in Violation of Federal Law

  • Obama Administration Quietly Prepares Surge of Millions of New Immigrant IDs in Violation of Federal Law

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL-Senate) addressed the US Senate in a 30-minute floor speech and alerted the nation to the fact that after the November 4th election, Obama is preparing, once again, to unilaterally circumvent Federal Immigration Laws by issuing an Executive Order and to change Federal Law, without the consent of Congress, in violation of the US Constitution.  Obama had previously violated Federal Immigration Laws, without the consent of Congress, when he issued an Executive Oder preventing the deportation of nearly 1 million illegal aliens, termed dreamers, thru the Obama administration ill-conceived Deferred Action-Childhood Arrival Program (DACA), in which he gave temporary lawful status to illegal aliens up to age 31, and expedited their rapid pathway to citizenship.  

Although Congressional leaders have the power of the purse, they have done nothing to cancel the funding required to expedite the pathway to citizenship for the DACA program.  After the November election, according to Senator Sessions and the below listed article, Obama is planning to issue another Executive Order, that will provide legal status and work authorization cards to an additional 5 to 6 million illegal aliens in the United States.  He plans to issue work permits to 6 million illegal aliens at a time when 44 million American citizens are unemployed & on food stamps, and while 90,000 members of the US Armed Forces are being given pink slips, requiring them to compete for jobs with 6 million Illegal aliens issued work permits.   


Obama’s plan to circumvent Federal Immigration Laws was further confirmed on October 6th when the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) advertised their Draft Solicitation For Bid, distributed to potential vendors, requesting them to be prepared to handle a “surge” of 9 million ID cards for illegal aliens.  This latest planned violation of Federal Immigration Law by Obama, designed to provide legal status for 6 million Illegal aliens, is the third step of a 3 step process to compromise the 2016 Presidential election.    


The first step taken to compromise the 2016 Presidential election has been underway for six years.   For 6 years, Attorney General Eric Holder has been employing the Department of Justice to file federal law suits against every state that passes a Voter ID Law.  The Voter ID Laws being passed by multiple states are designed to identify valid registered US citizen going to the polls to vote, and those state laws are intended to prevent Illegal aliens from fraudulently voting in state and federal elections. Recently, in Federal Court, the state of Texas defeated Holder’s latest law suit against its Voter ID Law.


The second step, Obama has been employing to compromise the 2016 Presidential election, has been the ongoing plan by the Obama administration to ignore the enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws at the southern border.  The Obama administration is allowing Illegal aliens to cross the wide open southern border, while preventing ICE from deporting millions of illegal aliens..  By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view an important video, prepared by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, it explain how for 6 years, the Obama administration has refused to close the wide open southern border and refused to enforce Federal Immigration Laws.  Although the video is a little long, it is very important, and we encourage you to forward it to those in your address book who care about protecting the wellbeing of their families and are concerned about the deaerating security of the Republic.

Obama’s three step plan is designed to provide 6 million illegal aliens with legal status, so they can be issued drivers licenses, and be in a very strong position to fraudulently register to vote in the 2016 Presidential election.  The long term goal of Obama is to CHANGE the Republic to a one party Socialist State; his supporters will not hesitate to continue the employment of voter fraud to register illegal aliens, as those ACORN operatives previously employed voter fraud in past elections (ACORN was disbanded following its convictions of voter fraud in federal courts in multiple states; ACORN has morphed into many new named state organizations and those organizations are being funded by the Department of Health Education and Welfare).  After November 4th, when Obama issues the Executive Order to give 6 million illegal aliens legal status and keeps the southern border wide open, as pointed out in the above video, it will be virtually impossible for ICE to enforce Federal Immigration Laws within the Republic, and the Border Patrol will be unable to prevent Illegal aliens from circumventing the lawful inspection process that is supposed to take place at the border to prevent the entry of illegal aliens deemed excludible under Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 ..


According to reports made to one of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Capt-USMCR (R-CA-52), the Border Patrol told him that they apprehended 4 members of ISIL trying to enter the United States.  The Obama administration’s open border policies have been permitting the entry of ISIL Islamic terrorists, drug smugglers, human smugglers, sex offenders, convicted felons, sex traffickers, Illegal aliens with dangerous infectious & communicable diseases, aliens intent on becoming public charges unlikely to work or seek employment, and its policies have made it very easy for terrorists to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into the United States at will.  


Obama issued order that prevented the Border Patrol from detaining or quarantine 90,000+ illegal alien children up to age 18, many of whom were infected with communicable diseases, as well as their masquerading adult chaperones who were illegally entering the wide open southern border (many of those 18 year olds are members of the dangerous M-13 Latin criminal gang involved in sex trafficking and drug smuggling).  By ordering the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to transport those illegal alien children to all 50 states without being properly quarantined, many of those  illegal aliens children spread infectious diseases.  


Since August, 46 states have been faced with a D-68 epidemic brought into the US by those illegal aliens children; they have infected over 27,876 American children in grammar schools (from 1970 to date there were only 26 cases of D-68 in the US).   All 50 states have now been saddled with new administrative demands by being required to police 90,000+ illegal aliens for criminal activities.     The taxpayers in 50 states must cover the cost of the housing, education, subsistence, and medical treatment for Illegal alien children, while thousands of newly arriving illegal aliens children continue to flood across the wide open southern border  

Obama deployed 4000 members of the 101st Airborne Division and Military Reservists were on a mission to West Africa to try to stem the outbreak of Ebola; those members of the 101st Airborne Division and Military Reservists were insufficiently medically trained to protect themselves from a killer Ebola epidemic.  Medical trained civilian contractors, doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and experienced health care workers, who had extensive experience containing infectious diseases should have been deployed to West Africa, not military personnel with 4 hours of training.  The 4000 members of the 101st Airborne Division should have been deployed along the wide open southern border to prevent criminals, terrorists, and illegal aliens with infectious & communicable diseases from entering the United States.  

We encourage all American citizens to financially support and vote for the 31 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the Endorsement page of this Web site; they will actively oppose Obama’s three step initiative to compromise the 2016 Presidential election, will aggressively attempt to close the wide open southern border, and will oppose the continued violation of Federal Immigration Law by the Obama administration.

by Jonathan Strong 19 Oct 2014 5900


 Senate Republican: US Immigration System 'Unlawful,' Lacks 'Integrity'


Prior to effectively adjourning for five weeks, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., used Tuesday'sSenate session to hammer President Barack Obama for proposing changes to immigration laws at the end of the summer without consent from Congress. 


The administration is reportedly considering an executive order to provide legal status and work authorization cards to 5 million to 6 million of the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, which Sessions called 'unlawful.' 


"I've urged the president to reconsider this plan and to adhere to his plain statements where he has expressly stated he did not have the power to do what he now, in a complete reversal, states that he will do," Sessions said during a nearly 30-minute floor speech. "It is important for the Congress to stand up and resist the complete erosion of its powers. If these actions are taken, we will have effectively opened the borders of America. We are nearly there already."

Despite no official action from the president ahead of the election, the Obama administration has quietly begun preparing to issue millions of work authorization permits, suggesting the implementation of a large-scale executive amnesty may have already begun. 

Unnoticed until now, a draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Oct. 6 says potential vendors must be capable of handling a “surge” scenario of 9 million id cards in one year “to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.”

The request for proposals says the agency will need a minimum of four million cards per year. In the “surge,” scenario in 2016, the agency would need an additional five million cards – more than double the baseline annual amount for a total of 9 million. 

“The guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4,000,000 cards. The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34,000,000 cards,” the document says. 

The agency is buying the materials need to construct both Permanent Residency Cards (PRC), commonly known as green cards, as well as Employment Authorization Documentation (EAD) cards which have been used to implement President Obama's “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program. The RFP does not specify how many of each type of card would be issued. 

Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies and former State Department official, said the document suggests a new program of remarkable breadth. 

The RFP “seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the 'Gang of Eight' bill,” Vaughan said. 

Last year, Vaughan reviewed the Gang of Eight's provisions to estimate that it would have roughly doubled legal immigration. In the “surge” scenario of this RFP, even the relatively high four million cards per year would be more than doubled, meaning that even on its own terms, the agency is preparing for a huge uptick of 125 percent its normal annual output. 

It's not unheard of for federal agencies to plan for contingencies, but the request specifically explains that the surge is related to potential changes in immigration policy. 

“The Contractor shall demonstrate the capability to support potential 'surge' in PRC and EAD card demand for up to 9M cards during the initial period of performance to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements,” the document says. 

A year ago, such a plan might have been attributed to a forthcoming immigration bill. Now, following the summer's border crisis, the chances of such a new law are extremely low, giving additional credence to the possibility the move is in preparation for an executive amnesty by Obama. 

Even four million combined green cards and EADs is a significant number, let alone the “surge” contemplated by USCIS. For instance, in the first two years after Obama unilaterally enacted DACA, about 600,000 people were approved by USCIS under the program. Statistics provided by USCIS on its website show that the entire agency had processed 862,000 total EADs in 2014 as of June. 

Vaughan said EADs are increasingly coming under scrutiny as a tool used by the Obama administration to provide legalization for groups of illegal aliens short of full green card status. 

In addition to providing government approval to work for illegal aliens, EADs also cost significantly less in fees to acquire, about $450 compared to more than $1000. In many states, EADs give aliens rights to social services and the ability to obtain drivers' licenses. 

Vaughan noted there are currently about 4.5 million individuals waiting for approval for the green cards having followed immigration law and obtained sponsorships from relatives in the U.S. or otherwise, less than the number of ID cards contemplated by the USCIS “surge.” 

USCIS officials did not provide additional information about the RFP by press time.