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President Ronald Reagan Speaks About "Freedom"

  • President Ronald Reagan Speaks About "Freedom"

The Free Enterprise System has prospered because US military personnel thru the last 238 years have fought to preserves our way of life, have given their precious lives in defense of liberty, and endured hardship away from their families to ensure that the American people would be able to maintain the precious FREEDOMS in the Bill of Rights that our Founding Father gave to their generation and future generations.  Please click on the below listed link to listen to what President Reagan has to say about the freedoms military personnel secured for us.

The premeditated policies of the Obama administration have changed the rules in the Senate and are by his actions over the past 5 years, the occupant of the Oval Office is eroding the FREEDOM of Religion in the US Armed Forces, attempting to restrict the FREEDOM to secure & bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment, the FREEDOM to select one’s own health care plan, the FREEDOM from unreasonable taxation, FREEDOM to vote & elect our representatives without wholesale voter fraud, the FREEDOM from unreasonable search & seizure of an individual’s private information by the NSA, the FREEDOM for Senior Flag Officers to support personnel “Going Into Harm’s Way” without the dispatch of re-enforcements as in the Battle of Benghazi, to guarantee the FREEDOM of the press from restrictions by the Department of Justice, and FREEDOM from the IRS to restrict conservative American organizations from participation in the political process.  Unfortunately for these past 5 years, abiding by the “Rule of Law” and the US Constitution has been disregarded by the Obama administration—each American voter must demand that their representatives in Congress now hold the Obama administration’s feet to the fire when it comes to ensuring the laws of the land are adhered to.