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A Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret), (R-CO-6), Helping Veterans-Owned Businesses

  • A Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret), (R-CO-6), Helping Veterans-Owned Businesses

 Another Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret), (R-CO-6), is helping Veterans, in this case, Veterans Owned businesses by simplifying the evaluation system.  Please read the below listed article about another bill authored by another Combat Veteran For Congress, in this case by Congressman Coffman, to help Veterans.  We ask you to please support the re-election of Cong Coffman, all the currently elected Combat Veterans For Congress listed following the article below, and the election of a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress who we will be endorsed over the next 16 months to run for election in the 2014 mid-term election.

Cong Coffman’s Bill would strip VA of vet-owned business verification

A new bill unveiled in Congress would strip the Veterans Affairs Department of responsibility for verifying veteran-owned small businesses, a change in federal contracting procedures aimed at simplifying the process and saving money, according to the bill’s chief sponsor.

Verification of veteran-owned and disabled veteran-owned small businesses is now a shared duty, with VA responsible for clearing companies that want to have VA contracts and the Small Business Administration responsible for all other agencies.

This can lead to confusion, as the definitions and processes used by the two agencies differ to the point that a company might qualify under one set of rules but not the other, according to congressional aides.

Congressman Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret), (R-CO-6), who sits the House Veterans’ Affairs and Small Business committees, proposes giving the SBA sole authority. “It is past time to create a clear and transparent set of rules and processes for the government to follow,” he said, calling the current process an “obstacle to success” for veteran-owned businesses.

The measure has some powerful cosponsors, including Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., chairman of the House Small Business Committee, and Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman.

Graves said reducing fraud is one of the goals. The current system allows some companies that the SBA would not certify as being owned and controlled by a veteran to get certification from VA. Eliminating the disparities would make it easier to catch cheaters, he said.

Miller said the change would reduce a “excessive and redundant bureaucracy that is making business even more complicated for the people it was meant to help.”

The Veterans Entrepreneurship Task Force and Vietnam Veterans of America have endorsed the bill.

VA would still have a role in the process; the bill would have VA determine if the owner of a company is a veteran or a service-connected veteran. If the owner’s veteran status is confirmed, the SBA would be responsible for deciding if the company is owned and controlled by the veteran.

An appeals process would be set up within the SBA as well.

The process would provide “better service while using taxpayer money more efficiently,”Congressman Coffman said in a statement, noting VA now has about 120 full-time employees and spends about $33 million a year working on small business verification.

23 Combat Veterans For Congress in 15 States—--Embedded Integrity 

Senator John McCain, Capt-USN, USNA ’58, (R-AZ-Senate)  
Senator Mark S. Kirk, Cdr-USNR (R-IL-Senate)
Cong Duncan D. Hunter, Capt-USMCR (R-CA-50)
Cong Steve Pearce, Capt-USAF (R-NM-2)
Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret) (R-CO-6)
Cong John P. Kline, Col-USMC (Ret) (R-MN-2)
Cong Chris Gibson, Col-USA (Ret) (R-NY-19)
Cong Steve Stivers, Lt. Col-USANG (R-OH-15)
Cong Tim Griffin, Maj-USAR (JAG) (R-AR-2)      
Cong Adam Kinzinger, Cpt-AFNG (R-IL-11)
Cong Michael Grimm, USMC/FBI (R-NY-11)
Cong Joe Heck, Col-USAR (MC) (R-NV-3)
Cong Jeff J. Denham, SSgt-USAF (R-CA-10)  
Cong Paul Cook, Col-USMC (Ret) (R-CA-8)  
Cong Scott G. Perry, Col-PAARNG (R-PA-4)                 
Cong Brad Wenstrup, Lt Col-USAR (MC) (R-OH-2)
Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1)
Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6)
Cong Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-4)
Cong Paul C. Broun, Lcdr-USNR (MC) (R-GA-Senate)
Col Robert L. Maness, USAF (Ret) (R-LA-Senate)
Col Gregory G. Raths, USMC (Ret) (R-CA-45)
Lcdr Kirk W. Jorgensen, USCGR (R-CA-52)