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Annual Request For Support

  • Annual Request For Support

 Once each year, we make an annual request for support, in order to continue our effort to recruit, complete a background investigation on, endorse, campaign for, and help elect Combat Veterans For Congress. We are unlike any other PAC, in that we have no paid employees; members of the Board of Directors receive no compensation, and I provide financial support for operations each year.   All funds donated are used to cover expenses and make donations to candidates.  Our Washington, DC law firm has protected us from unauthorized FEC fines, included us in a case before the Supreme Court to protect our 1stAmendment Rights, and assisted us for 2 years in our application with the IRS for tax-exempt status for the CVTG.  Other annual expenditures include retention of our Washington law firm, the cost of an FEC Consultant to make the required Quarterly FEC Reports, expenses associated with Web site hosting/maintenance/changes, the cost of a bookkeeper to maintain accurate banking & accounting records (our financial expenditures are posted for the public to view on the FEC Web site), printing costs, postage, supplies, and donations to candidates. 

Over the past four years, our efforts have been successful in substantially aiding the election of the Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment.  The most important election in 238 years will be held in 2014; with your help as our partner, we will endorse a new slate of 40+ Combat Veterans For Congress to retain control of the US House of Representatives, and possibly take control of the US Senate.  The elected Combat Veterans For Congress will help to rein in the irresponsible & out of control spending by the Obama administration, will continue to protect and defend the US Constitution, and will work to prevent any further erosion of the Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces. 

We would appreciate anything you can do to support our important efforts to protect the Free Enterprise System and our way of life; a donation of even $10 would be greatly appreciated.   The donation form is listed below, it can be printed out, and included with a donation in any amount.  

My Fellow Americans,

    Recent scandals about the IRS singling out conservative and religious groups for persecution using 
taxpayer funds, the revelation that the Justice Department had been secretly obtaining telephone

records of reporters in an assault on “Freedom of the Press,” and the failure of the occupant of the

Oval Office to send military assistance over an 8 hour period to protect The US Ambassador to Libya,

an embassy communications specialist, and 2 US Navy SEALs fighting for their lives at the US Mission

and its Annex in Benghazi, Libya has been unsettling. The election of 2012 had consequences.


     There is a common thread to all the above listed scandal; the Obama administration is waging war on

our freedoms, our property, and our individual incomes—they are redistributing our wealth to those

who do not work. There have been attempts to restrict the freedoms accorded every American by the

Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and government bureaucrats have been given permission to use

their power to abuse and oppress Americans. The Republic was founded on the principles of individual

freedom, ownership of private property, free markets, and limited government. As the Declaration of

Independence and the US Constitution reflect, individuals have the natural and God-given right to live

their lives any way they choose, so long as their conduct is peaceful. It is the duty of government to

protect, not destroy those inherent and inalienable rights.


       The American people need to elect courageous members to Congress who will support the

Constitutional form of government envisioned by the Republic’s Founders. We must elect Congressmen

and Senators who will replace elected members of Congress who enable the occupant of the Oval Office

to abuse Americans by violating their rights under the provisions of the US Constitution.  The American

people must elect members of Congress who will support a form of government whose powers are limited,

accountable to the voters, and respect the freedoms accorded every US Citizen by the US Bill of Rights.


     The Obama Presidential Campaign organization was not disbanded after the 2012 election like every

Other Presidential campaign in history; it was simply changed to a campaign organization to take control

of the US House of Representatives. Obama only needs to take 17 of the 435 seats in the House away from

the Republican majority to gain control of the US House of Representatives. If that occurs, the Obama

administration will “CHANGE” the Free Enterprise System, that created the most successful economic

engine in the history of mankind, into the Socialist State he has been driving the Republic  to, in order to

follow Marxist principles.


     Over the last 4 years, we have recruited, did the background investigation on, endorsed, campaigned

for, and helped elect the conservative Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the attachment. We will

support the re-election of the Combat Veterans For Congress currently serving in the House, and will

endorse a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress to run in the 2014 mid-term election. You can make

a difference in the most important election in the 238 year history of the Republic, the election of 2014. 

We encourage you to get involved by supporting your favorite conservative candidate, and by making a

donation in any amount to support our effort to change the composition of the House and Senate. We are

different from most PACs, in that we have no paid employees and no Members of the Board of Directors

are compensated; all our workers are volunteers; we do hire the services of outside support including our

Washington law firm, an FEC Consultant who makes our quarterly FEC Reports, a Web site manager, Web

site hosting, a bookkeeper who maintains accurate financial and banking records, a printer, postage

expenses, the cost of supplies, and donations made to candidates.


     Over the last 4 years our candidate selection process has proved to be valid and accurate.   We have

interviewed 327 Combat Veterans in 50 states, endorsed 82 in 34 states, 61 of them have won their primary

elections, and 20 Combat Veterans For Congress in 14 states were elected to Congress. One Combat

Veteran For Congress was defeated for re-election last year; Cong Allen West (R-FL-18) was defeated

because of the massive financial opposition to his campaign generated by the Obama administration; we

still feel fraud was perpetrated in that election. We are concerned that the same tactics that worked

against Cong West will be employed by Obama’s administration to oppose the elected Combat Veterans

For Congress serving in the 113 Congress, and future endorsees.  We respectfully request that you donate

any amount, that you can afford, in order to support our efforts to re-elect the 17 members in the House,

and help us support the election of a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress we will be endorsing

over the next 17 months (we are currently working with 5 potential Senate and 9 potential Congressional

candidates in 11 states, but expect the numbers to increase substantially). You can make a difference in

protecting our Free Enterprise System we are so close to losing, by making a donation in any amount and

getting active in supporting Congressmen you have faith in.


     We strongly endorse and support Combat Veterans, who at one time in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”



Joseph R. John, USNA ’62

Capt               USN (Ret)

I will support the election of conservative Combat Veterans For Congress with my donation of:

__$10 __$20 __$50 __$100 __$200 __$500 $_____other


Individual donations are not deductible as charitable contributions


Donations should be sent to:  2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184, San Diego, CA 92108


This E-mail is not authorized by any candidate or candidate‘s committee. Contributions by Corporations

and foreign nationals are prohibited. Contributions by individuals are limited to $5000.00 per calendar

year. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address,

occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year.

Kindly complete the below listed form.





Please check here ( ) if retired; Please check here ( ) if self-employed

Telephone number: (     )___________________________________________________________

E-mail address:____________________________________________________________________

Postal address:____________________________________________________________________