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10,700 Military Men Reported Being Sodomized In Obama's New Military

  • 10,700 Military Men Reported Being Sodomized In Obama's New Military

 In the below listed article, Dr. Judith Reisman, a therapist, discusses a shocking secret the Pentagon has tried to keep a lid on since they were forced to admit openly homosexual males into the US Armed Forces.  With 1,219,510 men serving in the US Armed Forces, the Defense Department reported that if only 17 % of young recruits who were sexually assaulted reported it, then based upon the hard figure of 10,700 male victims who filed formal complaints of homosexual assaults, the Pentagon estimated that 62,941 military men were forcibly sodomized by homosexual males in the military in a one year period---the large number of male rapes in the US Armed Forces had never happened in history.  If only several criminal homosexual assaults were perpetrated against male members of the US military, their numbers would have been too high; the men who perpetrate those crimes, should be dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces and jailed in military prisons for their crimes.  The Obama Administration forced the US military to accept and enlist openly homosexual men; they have turned the US Armed Forces into an openly gay military organization—the first major military organization in the world to label itself openly gay. The above figures are based upon records compiled in by the Pentagon.  The sexual assaults on young straight recruits have been increasing, while at the same time, the suicide rates of males in the US military have been increasing to 349, almost one a day.  By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to learn that last year the Veterans Administration treated 34,000 male Veterans who were traumatized after being sexually assaulted or sodomized by openly homosexual active duty military males.  The suicide rate for Veterans is averaging 22 Veterans/day for various reasons, one of which is because of homosexual assaults when they were on active duty; this epidemic of homosexual assaults is a further example of how the Obama Administration’s Social Experiment On Diversity is destabilizing the US Armed Forces.

More Than 34,000 Male Veterans Treated for Military Sexual Assault

The military culture of proper conduct, sharp spit & polish military appearance, respect for the dignity of the individual, professionalism in interpersonal dealings, and the respect of the individual has been dramatically altered because of the epidemic of sexual assaults against young male recruits persists daily; the suicides rate of young male recruits is nearly one a day and is continuing to increase.  At the end of the work day, when the “lights out” order is given aboard ships at sea, to be observed in shipboard living compartments and on military bases, to be observed in military barracks worldwide, it has been reported that each sexual assaults on young recruits and the sexual relations between consenting gay men take place---making military living quarter’s a very unstable place.  The one place that military personnel always thought they had safe refuge/home from the daily military routines and orders of their superiors, has turned into a frightening place for young straight military recruits from Middle America.  Why did the Obama Administration put 98% of the straight men who want to serve our country at risk, to give 2% of the gay men the right to abuse others?  President Clinton understood the effect having openly gay military personnel serve would have on good military order, unit cohesion, unit moral, and “Combat Effectiveness”, so he established the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the US Armed Forces that worked well and let everyone, gays and straight men, serve their country side by side.  We have all had gay military men and women under our command, who were dedicated and hardworking military personnel, and they were treated with respect.


General George Washington created the US military regulations that excluded openly gay men from being inducted into the US Armed Forces; those regulations were followed and maintained good order for 236 years until Obama changed it.  Whether the outrageous number of homosexual assaults in the US Armed Forces in one year totals 10,700 or 62,941, even “one” homosexual assault in US military ranks would have been one to many.  Traumatizing young military victims who have been sexually assaulted could be a significant cause for the massive increase in military suicide.   Revengeful violence is taking place regularly, after straight men have been sexually assaulted by homosexual members.  The Pentagon is attempting to understand why recent “military suicide rates have been increasing and surpassing the rates for society at large”; hard data confirms that “rape victims are prone to suicide.” Forcible sodomy of young recruits and rape of women is certainly connected to attempted/or successful suicides in the military ranks.


For the last few years, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” had become, for the compliant Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Don’t tell”, but the ugly and shocking truth of thousands of straight military personnel being sodomized has been unraveling.  What will the new Secretary of Defense do about the root causes of the sodomizing of young recruits?  It’s not going to be solved by forcing 1,219,510 men, honorably serving their country, to be forced to go thru long, useless, and very expensive sessions of professional counseling by PhDs.  It’s about changing Obama’s corrupt policy of inducting openly gay men into the US Armed Forces, who flaunt their homosexually by participating openly in gay pride parades in uniform, which is against military regulations, and who practice their sexual relations in their living quarters while straight men who are trying to sleep, but must listen to the vocal expressions while those acts are taking place.  The openly gay environment is driving straight young military personnel out of the US Armed Forces, while retaining more openly gay men.   Not being satisfied with having an openly homosexual military, the new gay members are lobbying for same sex marriages in military chapels to be performed by Chaplains, whose faith prevents them from officiating at those ceremonies. The homosexual military personnel who are preying on young recruits are driving up the suicide rates of US military personnel, degrading unit cohesion, negatively affecting unit moral, breaking down discipline, destroying the good order the military was famous for, and destroying the “Combat Effectiveness”  of the once cohesive Combat Units in each of the branches of the military services.   All this for to appease 2% of the population while the welfare of 98% of military men serving in the US Armed Forces is disregarded; the US military should go back to President Clinton’s policy that worked so well.


Now that changing to US Armed Forces into an openly homosexual organization is working so well, the Obama Administration has turned its attention to the Boy Scouts of America and has recently been successful in forcing that organization to accept openly homosexual scouts by threatening to eliminate their tax exempt status.  Eventually we will witness Senior Explorer Scouts, age 18, being allowed to go camping in the woods and sleep in tents with 11 year old Tenderfoot Boy Scouts for weeks at a time.  Unfortunately, common sense is not so common any longer.



Last updated at May 17, 2013


        Pentagon: 5,200 bought child porn

        May 15, 2013

        by Dr. Judith Reisman

By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., and Thomas R. Hampson

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian Lewis and several military female victims testified to harrowing sexual abuse at a U.S. Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, March 13, 2013Lewis stated he “was raped by a senior petty officer … told by a commander not to report it, and later was diagnosed with a personality disorder and discharged.”

Lewis says, “As I demonstrated, men are a majority of the victims in the military. DOD’s infamous ‘Ask her when she’s sober’ marginalizes male survivors and sends a message that men cannot be raped and therefore are not real survivors.”

Why is the best-kept military secret that most soldierly sexual assaults are now definitively homo, not heterosexual, male-on-male sexual exploitation?

The corporate dictionary definition of “sexual assault” is “to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat; ‘most states have replaced the common law definition of rape with statutes defining sexual assault.’” [, WordNet® 3.0. Princeton University]

While men are statistically more loathe to report their sexual victimization than are women, 10,700 male soldiers, sailors and airmen in 2010 actually reported their sexual assaults. What this means is not totally clear, since men are cannot technically be raped, despite the term being regularly used in the recent hearings on the matter.

The Washington Times reported “The Defense Department estimates 19,000 sexual assaults occur each year, but only 17 percent are ever reported. In 2010 … 8,600 victims [who reported were female, an incredible 4 percent of the women in the military that year], and 10,700 victims were male, reported the Service Woman’s Action Network.”

The rape rate of our dedicated servicewomen is documented as unparalleled in our nation’s history and demands candid politically incorrect discussion. This column, however, focuses on the male-on-male sexual assault Mr. Lewis called rape; more accurately defined as forcible sodomy, that is “oral or anal copulation.”

Most likely, the definition of rape was expanded in the hearings to include the use of objects and unwanted masturbation, or other sexual invasion. Whatever definition of homosexual sexual assault is used, the numbers are shocking.

With 1,219,510 men serving in 2010, if only 17 percent of all male “rape” victims reported, does this mean, based on the aforementioned figure of 10,700 victims, that 62,941 military men were sexually assaulted by other men that year?

Does this mean “only” 5.16 percent of our bravest and best male servicemen were sexually violated by other lust-dominance-driven servicemen in 2010? Did some kind of sick form of hazing play a role?

Were these damning data widely known and debated in the public forum, the legislatures and the courts before the ban on homosexuality was lifted in 2011?

If not, why not? Precisely when did this traumatic rate of military sodomite abuse begin? Did it begin increasing when the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was implemented?

Does it coincide with the appearance of hazing by sodomy in high schools across the country in the last 10 years or so? Is the Boy Scouts board aware of the military homosexual abuser data as they debate their gay Scout ban?

Indeed, whether or not such outrageous male sexual assault estimates are 10,700 or 62,941, these crimes would be traumatizing to their victims and their colleagues, and could be a significant cause for the massive increase in military suicides – and revengeful violence.

A Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) report notes that, “Historically the suicide rates have been lower in the military than those rates found in the general population.”

In an attempt to understand why recent “military suicide rates have been increasing and surpassing the rates for society at large,” the CDP authors wonder if the “continued wars in Iraq and Afghanistan” may account for the increase.

However, the hard data confirm “rape victims are prone to suicide,” although continued deployment would logically exacerbate such depression and despair.

Forcible sodomy of men and rape of women is certainly causally connected to completed and attempted suicides.

Yet, despite the high rates of male and female rape and forcible sodomy, the CDP report dodges the prominent role of both sexual abuse and pornography – that is, how-to sex abuse manuals and videos – in fueling the lust and contempt that spawns both offender sexual abuse and victim suicidal ideation.

Alcohol/drugs, fed and encouraged by pornography, often direct users to penetrate any available proximate object, indifferent to age, gender or political persuasion.

True, “The military is 85 percent men and 15 percent women.” Still, according to the Naval Personnel Command (2012 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Training Guide), “about 56 percent of estimated sexual assaults in our military are men, and 44 percent are women.”

The politically correct Naval report ignores the Big Porn Elephant in the room as normalizing the rapes of women and the homosexist assaults on fellow servicemen.

While “heterosexual” pornography has commonly been used to arouse and then seduce “straights” into homosexual sex, “gay” pornography is widely available in mainstream homosexist publications like The Advocate Classified.

And, buff, “straight” military men are regularly depicted there as preferred, sexual targets.

Begun in 1976, The Advocate, our oldest and largest homosexist publication, always carried pornographic ads and films, but in 1992 shifted these to a separate Advocate Classifieds and later to the Internet.

Now (May 7) comes the Military Times reporting that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered inspection of all military offices and workplaces worldwide to root out any “materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.”

Last year Air Force officers searched “troops’ desks and cubicles in search of photos, calendars, magazines, screen-savers, computer files and other items that might be considered degrading toward women.”

There was no mention of confiscating pornographic items degrading toward men.

The cleanup is a long time a comin’. In 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld The Military Honor & Decency Act partly due to “the special circumstances of the military environment, in which the appearance of professionalism and proper conduct is critical.”

On July 1, Frank Rush, acting assistant secretary of defense for force management, signed DOD Instruction 4105.70, banning “Sale or Rental of Sexually Explicit Material on DOD Property.”

“We need a cultural change where every service member is treated with dignity and respect,” said Secretary Hagel, announcing new initiatives to prevent sexual assault.

“Hagel also unveiled the Defense Department’s annual report on sexual assault, which estimates that about 26,000 troops experienced some form of “unwanted sexual contact” during the past year. That’s roughly one in every 50 troops in the active-duty force.

But, if 10,700 men and 8,600 women reported the euphemized “unwanted sexual contact” – and if only 17 percent of victims report, how does this reduce to 26,000 military victims?

The official reports seem contradictory.

Secretary Hagel wants to eliminate pornography to “really drive the cultural change.” Of course, we can have no honorable or trustworthy military until all vestiges of pornography – from cartoons to Internet adverts, videos, films, calendars and phones, and the rapists and sodomites it trains and justifies – are excised from military service, from the Pentagon elites to the privates under them.

Now, does this mean the elite 5,200 child pornography users at the Pentagon will finally be arrested and tried? For, indeed there are “charms By which the property of youth and maidhood May be abused.”