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Congress Being Bypassed In Unilateral Reduction Of US Nuclear Arsenal by Obama's Executive Order, While Russia & China Are Increasing Their Arsenals (2)

  • Congress Being Bypassed In Unilateral Reduction Of US Nuclear Arsenal by Obama's Executive Order, While Russia & China Are Increasing Their Arsenals (2)

The video, "Underground Great Wall of China", can be viewed by clicking on the below listed link; it was produced by Georgetown University.  It relates how China went public in 2009 with how they have hardened 3000 kilometers of tunnels under the Great Wall, and that those hardened sites are safe from bunker busting nuclear weapons.  The hardened sites were created to protect China’s nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles from a direct attack; it was a game changer in the balance of nuclear weapons.  The Chinese can house over 100 million soldiers/people in those tunnels. The firm number of China’s nuclear warheads possess is not known for sure, but they total somewhere between 420 and 3000 nuclear warheads, and china keeps increasing their numbers. 

In 2009, the left of center liberal media establishment did not provide the American people with Chinese national TV News releases, because Obama was in the process of negotiating the New START Nuclear Treaty, reducing the US Nuclear Arsenal from 5113 warheads that President Bush’s National Security Team felt the US must possess if it was to be viewed as a serious deterrent by the Chinese and the Russians.  However, since Obama was in the process of reducing the US nuclear arsenal down  from 5113 to 1550 nuclear warheads, while Russian was maintaining over 3000 nuclear warheads, and China was in the process of increasing their nuclear arsenal, that information would have created massive opposition in the US to Obama’s reduction in the USA’ nuclear safeguard.  The China news release is presented for your review so you can fully understand the major risk Obama is taking in the defense of the Republic by planning to “unilaterally”reduce the US Nuclear Arsenal down further from 1550 to 1000 nuclear warhead.  All experts in the country feel the US Nuclear Arsenal really needs modernization not reduction to a level where China and Russia will feel confident that the US will not be able to respond with enough force, if they mounted a coordinated nuclear attack on the US. When Obama reduces the US Nuclear Arsenal to 1000 warheads, the Republic would be open to nuclear blackmail.


Obama previously committed to Congress that he would modernize the US Nuclear Arsenal as a condition of his reduction to 1550 nuclear warheads.  Congress committed funds for the modernization program for nuclear weapons in the US arsenal in storage.   Obama has since gone back on his pledge to the Congress, and cancelled the modernization program.  Now he intends to go one step further, and reduce the US Nuclear arsenal by an additional 550 nuclear warheads.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, is marching in lock step to reduce the US Nuclear Arsenal to very dangerous levels in support of Obama’s plans; he should oppose it and resign in protest.  Both China and Russia maintain a "first strike nuclear policy" whereas the US still follows the policy of only employing nuclear weapons as a deterrence, and only when first attacked and in its “defense” (in a nuclear exchange it is the country executing the first strike, which will eventually prevail).