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In Honor of Armed Forces Day

  • In Honor of Armed Forces Day

 On Armed Forces Day, we remember the many young high school graduates who entered the military in the 1950s whom were very motivated to serve, because of examples set by relatives who served in WWII; their relatives were members of the Greatest Generation.  After Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan, many of the young men in the nation dropped out of high school to volunteer for combat at the beginning of WWII—it was a selfless and patriotic act by a truly Great Generation of Americans. 

Today only a small percentage of America’s youth are motivated to volunteer and serve in the military; those who are serving are members of the greatest military fighting force in the world.   We “honor” all who served in defense of the Republic in years gone by, those who gave the last full measure of devotion, and especially those going into “Harm’s Way” today in Afghanistan and in the World Wide War on Terrorism.  Thank a Veteran and/or a member of the US Armed Forces for their service to the Republic.