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Congress Being Bypassed In Unilateral Reduction Of US Nuclear Arsenal by Obama's Executive Order, While Russia & China Are Increasing Their Arsenals

  • Congress Being Bypassed In Unilateral Reduction Of US Nuclear Arsenal by Obama's Executive Order, While Russia & China Are Increasing Their Arsenals

 Obama is planning to “unilaterally” reduce the US nuclear arsenal to 1000 warhead from 1550 warheads; when Obama came into office there was a high of 5113 warheads.  Specialists on nuclear deterrence say further cuts beyond the 1,550 deployed warheads agreed to in the 2010 New START Arms Treaty will undermine the United States' ability to deter nuclear attacks from Russia and China, who have significant modernization programs underway and are aggressively increasing their nuclear weapons arsenals.  Yet Obama is bypassing Congress to further reduce “unilaterally” the US nuclear arsenal from 1550, to 1000 warheads by Executive Order.  While Obama is deactivating the us nuclear arsenal, China continues to aggressively increase its current arsenal of 240 nuclear weapons by an additional 180 new nuclear weapons for deployment in Chinese nuclear submarines (China is planning to aggressively build more nuclear weapons), Russia is aggressively increasing the number in its arsenal from its current level of 3800 strategic nuclear weapons, North Korea is aggressively expanding the number of its nuclear weapons aimed at the US, and Iran will soon have nuclear weapons.  

Obama “unilateral” action is the most dangerous action any Commander-in-Chief has ever done to the Republic in 238 years, while Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, USA presides over the deactivation of the US nuclear arsenal further degrading the strength of the US Armed Forces!  In addition to cuts in the nation's nuclear arsenal, the Obama Administration appears to be getting ready to limit U.S. missile defenses in a new agreement with Russia that Obama said he would do in his open-microphone comment in March 2012 with Russian’s President Dmitry Medvedevhe.  Obama told Medvedevhe that he would be free to reduce the US missile defense after he was re-elected, and the recorded comment from an open mike was played on major TV Networks prior to his re-election.  


If the US stockpile is “unilaterally” reduced in size, then the US will have reached the point where those further reductions take on immense risk in the defense of the United States’ security and will negatively affect international stability.  The US nuclear arsenal needs to be modernized and expanded, not reduced and not “unilaterally” deactivated.  This is another of Obama’s many violations of the US Constitution that he swore to uphold in his inauguration;  the current level of 1550 US nuclear warheads was negotiated in the 2010 New START Treaty, and confirmed by the US Senate, any change in that International Treaty requires Senate confirmation.