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American History Deconstructing Patriotism by the Teacher's Union

  • American History Deconstructing Patriotism by the Teacher's Union

 Lesson plans for Texas classrooms, created in a program entitled CSCOPE, now teach young students that the Boston Tea Party staged by American Patriots who dumped heavily taxed tea from England into the Boston Harbor, because of taxation without representation, was an act of terrorism.  The lesson plan is equating the Patriots who were involved in the Boston Tea Party with the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9-11.  Not only were the students taught that the Founding Fathers were terrorists, they were told law officials found drugs in Paul Revere’s home, and they were also instructed to draw flags of using symbols from Communist and Socialist countries. 

 Previously the Teachers Union participated in removing important dates in US History from school books, next they approved the removal of information about the Founding Fathers that used to be taught in schools, and then they approved the removal of the in depth study and meaning of the US Constitution and Bill of Right from history school books and the history curriculum (we used to have to memorize the preamble to the US Constitution, I doubt many student even know what the Preamble is).   


Now that program called CSCOPE, approved by the Teacher’s Union in Texas, is subverting acts of Patriotism during the Revolution that led the 13 colonies to seek Independence from England, resulting in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence.  Labeling American Patriotism as terrorism is Anti-American and should be opposed by city, county, and state elected government lawmakers; they should insist those lies be removed from all classroom curriculums.  Members of the School Boards who permitted those subversive lesson plans to be taught in their local schools should be voted out of office.   It is time to restrict the Teacher’s Union from continuing to approve the rewriting of US History in school books, and to prevent them from approving the indoctrination of students with programs like CSCOPE that leads to students disrespecting the founding of the Republic.  Those Anti-American lesson plans being taught in school classrooms lead to the subversion of the minds of young impressionable students.


Texas Lawmakers Blast ‘Anti-American’, ‘Anti-Christian’ Curriculum

Description: Description: Description: Texas Lawmakers Blast ‘Anti-American’, ‘Anti-Christian’ Curriculum

Feb 5, 2013

By Todd Starnes

Texas lawmakers are putting educators on the hot seat after public school curriculum surfaced that promoted Islam and socialism while deconstructing American values and patriotism.


School children were exposed to lessons that labeled the Boston Tea Party an act of terrorism. They were also instructed to create flags for socialist and communist countries. And they were also given in-depth lessons in the Islamic faith that included classroom readings from the Koran.

“They are indoctrinating our children to hate America,” said Janice VanCleave, of Texas Education Patriots. “Texans are embarrassed about this.”

VanCleave’s organization launched an investigation that exposed CSCOPE – an electronic curriculum system that provides online lesson plans for teachers. The curriculum is used in 80 percent of the state’s school districts.

“It’s built by teachers, designed by teachers and that’s what’s powerful about CSCOPE,” said Wade Lebay, director of state CSCOPE at the Region 13 Education Service Center in Austin.

Wade defended the curriculum at a recent senate education committee hearing in the state capital.

Districts are allowed to pick and choose which of the 1,600 lesson plans they want – and it’s quite popular among smaller school districts.

“For us, CSCOPE is a lifesaver,” Dina Webb, director of curriculum in Lackland, told the San Antonio Express. “We don’t mandate how teachers use it and certainly, as a military district, wouldn’t teach anything anti-American. But we certainly don’t have the money or staff to be able to write new curriculum every time the state standards change.”

But critics – including some state lawmakers – believe the curriculum is anti-American.

“It’s amazing that when you all called our Founding Fathers terrorists, in Texas, that you thought that wasn’t going to cause problems,” said Sen. Dan Patrick, a member of the senate education committee.

Texas State Sen. Larry Taylor said he was especially disturbed by lessons that tried to equate the Boston Tea Party to the 9-11 terrorists.

“They actually referred to it as a terrorist act,” he told Fox News. “Throwing tea into the harbor is nowhere near a terrorist act. To have our kids even thinking that…”

Taylor called the curriculum anti-American – and said it put the Founding Fathers on the same footing as modern-day terrorists.

“To even say these two examples are comparable or trying to equate them as being equal is egregious,” he said.

VanCleave told Fox News the curriculum was meant to indoctrinate children while denigrating American heroes.

“American heroes are being vilified,” she said, recalling one particular lesson that alleged police officers found drugs in Paul Revere’s home.

“That got our hair up on the ends,” VanCleave said. “The undercurrent is that our children are not being taught to respect our national heroes. As a Texan it breaks my heart to say this and let it be known nationally – but our education system has some problems.”

Of particular concern was a lesson that required students to design a socialist or communist flag. Here’s the assignment students were given:

“Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?”

Taylor called it “very egregious as a Texan and an American.”

“They didn’t do that for any other type of government,” he said “We don’t mind having different views but they need to be balanced,” he told Fox News.

VanCleave said her husband, who is a Marine, was furious about that particular lesson plan.

“I can’t even say what he thought,” she said. “They want to tear down any patriotism to our wonderful country. We’re going to stop that in Texas.”

The flag controversy sparked national outrage.

“You know America’s changing when leftists have even infiltrated Texas schools,” wrote Kyle Olson of

Taylor said CSCOPE’s biggest problem is a lack of transparency.

“We need oversight,” he said. “We don’t know who is putting the material together. We need outside eyes looking over the process.”

Even their board meetings are held in private – a practice the education committee and CSCOPE critics hopes to stop.

“We don’t know who is controlling it – and that’s a problem because it’s in more than 800 schools in Texas,” VanCleave said. “Teachers have been sending me lesson plans anonymously. They are concerned.”

The lessons on Islam, for example, required teachers to provide classroom readings of selected texts from the Koran.

“It was teaching the Islamic religion,” she said. “They were telling the children how wonderful and peaceful the religion was.”

They were also taught that Allah is God.

“That just really set us all off,” she said. “I don’t want my grandchildren taught that Allah is God.”

Sen. Taylor noted that there were no comparable lessons offered on Christianity or Judaism.

“They went way into the Islamic religion without any balance,” he said. “It was alarming and eye-opening. I’m not sure what the purpose of that is.”

But supporters of CSCOPE accused critics and lawmakers of cherry picking controversial lessons.

“We have 1,600 lessons, so to take just this one is…” said Education Service Center worker Linda Villarreal at the senate hearing.
VanCleave said she fears the ultimate plan is to force every school in the state to adhere to CSCOPE.

“I’m just hoping they are going to throw this mess out,” she said.

Todd is the author of Dispatches From Bitter America – endorsed by Sarah Palin, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. Click here to get your copy.