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Federal Budget---T?hird Year in a Row

  • Federal Budget---T?hird Year in a Row

For the third year in a row, the Democrat controlled US Senate, in league with the Obama Administration, has refused to propose a formal budget for the US Government in clear violation of federal law.  If any business entity applied for a loan and asked to borrow 43 cents of every dollar they proposed to spend, without presenting the bank with a budget to outline proposed spending, the application would be rejected—yet for the third time in history, the current Democrat controlled Senate has refused to present a budget for their banker, the American people, to confer with the proposed House budget over the last three years.  Out of control and irresponsible spending has driven the Republic into an additional $5 trillion in debt over the last 3 and ½ years, and unless the American people can rein in spending by the Congress and the Obama Administration, our grandchildren will never be able to repay or extricate the Republic from the mounting debt.  By the end of his 4th year in office, the current occupant of the White House will have driven the nation into nearly $6 trillion in additional debt—more debt than all US Presidents collectively have spent in the 236 year history of the Republic.  The out of control spending is the most dangerous threat facing the survival of the Republic.  In November 2012, every members of Congress, who has failed to resist the out of control spending, should be removed from office by American voters who care about the nation’s future and the survival of the Republic.