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An Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress---It Takes Moral Courage To Stand Up To GOP Leadership

  • An Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress---It Takes Moral Courage To Stand Up To GOP Leadership

In the below listed link another courageous endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Cong Scott G. Perry, Col/PA-ARNG (R-PA-4) who opposed the SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional Fast Track Trade legislation that no member of Congress has read, will give Obama the power to eliminate all Federal Immigration Laws and keep the wide open southern border permanently open for Radical Islamic Terrorists to continue to enter the United States.  The SECRET bill that Boehner, McConnell, and Obama refuses to let the American people see, before it is passed will erode the sovereignty of the United States. 

The Republican leaders in Congress are saying it is necessary to pass this SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional bill that no one has read be involved in “Free Trade” in Asia; this bill is not about “Free Trade.” Asia is desperate to trade with the US, and the Occupant of the Oval Office currently has the ability to negotiate “Free Trade Treaties” with every country in Asia and the world without violating the US Constitution, violating Federal Immigration Laws, and damaging the Free Enterprise System---that is exactly what this SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional legislation does---more importantly it is a nail in the coffin of the Free Enterprise System, and advances Obama’s Socialist policies with the willing and aggressive help of the Republican leadership in Congress.    


When the current leadership of the Republican Congress didn’t have to, they intentionally funded Obama’s illegal immigration policies in violation of Federal Immigration Laws and the US Constitution thru September 2015.  Now by jamming Obama’s SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional Fast Track Trade Legislation thru the Congress, that no one has read, they will be responsible for effectively eliminating “all US borders”.  They learned their lesson well from Pelosi, when she said “we have to pass it to see what is in it.” 

This SECRET 800 PAGE Unconstitutional bill will allow millions of non-Christian illegal aliens from 12 Pacific Rim countries, including Mexico, to enter the United States, in order to have Obama give them work permits, and he will facilitate their ability to take very scarce jobs away from over 104 million unemployed Americans who couldn’t possibly work for such low wages; many of the US unemployed are minority and low income workers.  This SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional bill that no one has read is against the Free Enterprise System, and advances Obama’s Socialist Agenda.  In the below listed article is a video

Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author.   



In the below listed article is a video of Cong Perry, he discusses his concerns for the Republic, and what has been transpiring since the Republican Leadership of Congress took control---it’s like Harry Reid is still in control on many issues.

Cong Scott Perry, 53, is a sophomore congressman from Dillsburg, Penn. Exuding a humble intensity and a mindfulness of his oath to the U.S. Constitution, his daily orientation in public office means he takes no vote for granted.

“It’s a fight every day,” Perry says in this 22-minute exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller.

The interview was filmed June 10, prior to a series of divisive trade votes in the House. Perry, believing his leadership was mistaken on what was best for America on these votes, felt the wrath of opposing the Republican leadership. He was one of the 3454158 and 50 Republicans who challenged the prevailing pressure by GOP leaders to grant President Obama new trade powers at the risk of eroding national sovereignty.

His phones were ringing off the hook in support of his vote from his district and nationwide after he cast these trade votes.

Yet, Republican leaders, increasingly governing by fear, risk continuing dissension and disarray. Evidence is building that Republicans, who are failing to persuade those members with differing opinions, and catering to monied interests in Washington, are alienating Americans who voted for them.

Perry has seen worse. In Congress, it takes only “moral courage” to be “separate from the herd” when you think you are right and the leaders are wrong.

In the military, he needed “physical courage” in several life-threatening situations where he flew 44 helicopter missions in Iraq. Growing up in a house without running water and electricity, and working all his life in a variety of jobs, Perry is experienced at surviving challenging or leaderless situations. “My problem around this place,” he says, “is that I tend to want to get into every fight. One of the tenets of warfare is economy of force – you must preserve yourself to fight another day.”

He hearkens back to those who pledged “their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor” to cut a path for our liberty.

Benghazi, Perry says, “is a big deal.”

“Those you send into “Harm’s Way” need to know their government will be there if all goes wrong,” he says.

“Our soldiers offer their full measure for this nation. It matters why those people in Benghazi gave their lives on the anniversary of 9/11. Was it for a video or something else?” he asks.

Has the government lied to America? If he “was secretary of state, culpable people would be fired.”

What do you think?

In the below listed video he discusses his toughest votes. The “Doc Fix” still lingers as one he sounds unsure of having gotten right. Other challenging votes for Perry included: the Cromibus, voted last December, that set government spending through September 2015; the DHS spending bill, where Congress was supposed to have used the power of the purse to stop Obama’s misuse of executive power for setting his own immigration rules; and the Ryan Budget vote that laid out government spending priorities.

What do you think?

On the Obamacare scandal where an anonymous leadership aide filed paperwork in November of 2013 claiming Congress, with some 16,000 employees, to be a “small business” for purposes of subsidies, Perry says this is “unacceptable.”

What do you think?

Perry’s office does not participate in the subsidies, so they feel Obamacare like his constituents experience it, and he wants it repealed. As to whether he would seek to find out who did it for John Boehner and Harry Reid, Perry said, “They don’t want anyone to know.”

What do you think?

Ending the interview, Perry said his take on the Republican Congress not contrasting government policies with Obama, for him, there’s “too much Harry Reid still governing.”

(YouTube Video of Interview)