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DOD's New Policy on Women in Direct Combat

  • DOD's New Policy on Women in Direct Combat

If you have a daughter or granddaughter, this latest, never ending expansion by the Obama Administration’s Social Experiment on Diversity in the below listed article, driven by the Obama Administration’s civilian appointees at the Department of Defense will concern you.  Assigning women to direct combat will eliminate the rational why the US Supreme Court exempted young women from Selective Service registration, which the court upheld as Constitutional, because women were not assigned to direct ground combat.   By changing the policy, the Department of Defense is inviting another ACLU lawsuit challenging young women's exemption from Selective Service registration.   Every day another shoe drops in the never ending Social Experiment on Diversity driven by the Obama Administration; the constant assault on the US Military establishment is negatively affecting combat effectiveness and continues to skew the admission policies forced upon the Boards of Admission at US Service Academies.