The Combat Veterans For Congress September 24, 2016 Gala Event With Dr. Ben Carson as Keynote Speaker
By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to view a video of many photos of Dr Ben Carson and the participants in the Gala Event. Those of note in attendance included Dr. Ben Carson, Cong Barry Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), Cong Duncan L. Hunter, Cpt/USA (Ranger/Vietnam) (Ret), Cong Steve Russell, LTC/USA (Ret) (Ranger) (R-OK-5), Cong Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI-11) (Ret), Connie Stevens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, USA/MP (DEA), Sheriff Richard Stobbs, Esq, USA, Chief Lou Scanlon, Coronado PD. Cdr/USN, Superior Court Judge Gary Kreep, Master of Ceremonies Larry Elder, Col Robert Modrzejewski, USMC (Ret) (Medal Of Honor),VADM Edward S. Briggs, USNA ’49, VADM Robert J. Spane, USNA ’62, Sal Russo, Jack Scalia, Joely Fisher, Elya Baskin, Jeff Senour, Dodgers Baseball Great Ron Fairly, Patricia Smith (mother of Agent Sean Smith killed in Benghazi), Pearl Harbor Veteran EMC Stu Hedley, USN (Ret), 15 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, 10 Wounded Warriors from the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton, Navy SEALs, FBI Agents, CIA Officers, US Border Patrol Agents, Police Officers, active and retired military personnel, The In Case Trio, and 400 invited guests who attended the VIP and General Receptions. The events was covered by 48 major media and national press organizations.