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Congressma?n Paul Ryan's Support

  • Congressma?n Paul Ryan's Support

Congressman Paul Ryan selection as Governor Mitt Romney running mate was an excellent choice because of his in depth knowledgeable of complex fiscal/budgetary issues, and because for his 7 terms in Congress, he has consistently been a “very strong supporter” of US military personnel in Combat, has protected the DOD Budget from unwarranted cuts like the proposed sequestration cuts being considered, and has supported Veteran’s benefits without fail.  If you click on the below listed link you will be able to view Congressman Ryan discuss why the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill fails Barack Obama’s own deficit test; his respectful presentation about the cost of the Obama Healthcare Bill to the current resident of the White House displays his thorough grasp of the long range negative impact the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill will have on healthcare for our children and grandchildren.  "I will not sign a healthcare plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future." (Remarks by Obama to a Joint Session of Congress on September 9, 2009)

VIDEO: Paul Ryan took apart Obama and Obamacare -- in 6 minutes!  

Congressman Ryan opposed the transfer of $716 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund to bankroll the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill, because the transfer of $716 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund by the Obama Administration has effectively decimated Medicare.  Unfortunately, it is the Obama Administration that is trying to “end Medicare as we know it” (to borrow a popular Democratic scare tactic repeated daily by the left of center liberal media establishment).  On the contrary, Congressman Ryan has proposed a plan to reform and also save Medicare from insolvency; insolvency will definitely occur unless changes are soon made to Medicare program.  Since the Obama Administration stripped $716 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund, and has not put forward a plan to prevent Medicare from becoming insolvent, Medicare is in serious trouble and in fact going broke.  Gov Romney has said when he is elected; he will repeal Obamacare and return the $716 billion from Obamacare to Medicare.  The Ryan Plan will not affect the Medicare benefits for seniors or for anyone over the age of 55, and it would also save Medicare for all Americans under the age of 55 by providing them with the option in 10 years of staying with traditional Medicare or selecting an option to purchase private healthcare insurance.  On the campaign stump, Barack Obama is misinforming the American people about the Ryan Plan for Medicare, by repeatedly stating that Congressman Ryan Plan would gut Medicare, and would increase the cost of Medicare benefits for elderly Americans by $6000/year—those are vicious lies, and Obama knows it.  The Republican controlled Congress has not gutted Medicare, this year they allocated $503 billion for Medicare in the Congressional Budget.                                                      

With no economic record to run on, the Obama Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Party are running a deeply negative campaign designed to divide the country; they have initiated a massive disinformation campaign that repeats outright lies about the provisions of Congressman Ryan’s Congressional Budget that he developed as Chair of the House Budget Committee.  He proposed a budget for consideration each year, for three years, and for the last three years Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, has not proposed one Senate Budget which is in violation of federal law.  The Congressional Budget that Chairman Ryan developed was designed to cut back the expansion of an already bloated government bureaucracy, to rein in the out of control spending by a fiscally irresponsible Obama Administration, and to stop the continued borrowing of 41 cents of every dollar being spent by the Obama Administration.  Although all members of Congress have agreed with every item in the three annual Congressional Budgets proposed by Chairman Ryan, most members on both sides of the isle in Congress still have a deep and abiding respect for Congressman Ryan, because he has proven to be a serious and intelligent legislator over the last 13 years.  We encourage you to pass the above link to the video to all those in your address book who care about the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, and who are also concerned about the accumulation of the $16 trillion in debt that the Obama Administration will increase, according to  its own proposed budget, and that every Democrat in Congress refused to vote for.