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Cong Tom Cotton, Cpt-USA, Esq. on the House Floor Speaking About The Battle Benghazi Cover Up

  • Cong Tom Cotton, Cpt-USA, Esq. on the House Floor Speaking About The Battle Benghazi Cover Up

By clicking on the below listed link, you can view another endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA, Esq. (R-AR-4) speak to his House colleagues from the well of the House floor about The Battle of Benghazi cover up.  Congressman Cotton was right on the money; he is running for the US Senate in Arkansas.


You can view Congressman Cotton’s photo in combat gear, and read his bio on the Endorsement page our Web site.  We encourage yolu to contact all of your contacts in Arkansas to support Congressman Cotton election to the US Senate.  Congressman Cotton repeatedly put his life on the line in Iraq to defend the “Liberties and Freedoms” we all enjoy.