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Capitol Hill Event For Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Lcdr Paul Chabot, USNR (CA-31)

  • Capitol Hill Event For Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Lcdr Paul Chabot, USNR (CA-31)

Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity    
We encourage you to support Lcdr Paul Chabot, USNR, the 102nd Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress in the last 7 ½ years who is running for election to Congress in the 31st Congressional District of California in 2016.  There will be a major fund raising event held on Capitol Hill, on February 23, 2016 to support the election of Lcdr Chabot.  The event is being supported by another elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Duncan Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-52), the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, a Director of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC-Cong Barry Goldwater (Ret), another Director of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC--Cong Rob Simmons, Col-USA/CIA (Ret), The Honorable Ambassador John Bolton, Cong Jason Chaffets, Cong Ken Calvert, Cong Steve Chabot, Cong Steve Knight, Cong Dave Reicher, Cong Mimi Walters, Cong Mary Bono (Ret), Cong Jerry Lewis (Ret), the National Defense PAC, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.  We encourage you to attend, but if you are unable to attend, please make a donation to financially support the election of Lcdr Chabot. 

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing a Combat Veteran For Congress who was previously endorsed as the 102nd endorsee in 2014; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress and the Obama administration, he believes in a strong national defense and lower taxes.  He will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, to create jobs, and stimulate business investment; he supports veterans and veterans issues.   Lcdr Paul Chabot, USNR who resides in Rancho Cucamonga, California has 14 years of service in the US Navy and Naval Reserve.  Lcdr Chabot is running for election in the 31st Congressional District of California against the one term Congressman Pete Aguilar; Lcdr Chabot lost a very close election in 2014 with 48.5% of the vote, against a pro-abortion Congressman who strongly supports Obama Care, supports the Obama & Clinton “Benghazi Cover Up”, supports Obama’s Amnesty for all Illegal Aliens including the issuance of drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens, is heavily in support of all union policies, and does not support aggressively closing the wide open southern border to illegal immigration. Congressman Aguilar penned a recent editorial where he stated that Obama didn’t go far enough in his unlawful Executive Order giving amnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens.  Paul Chabot was born in Loma Linda, CA on March 19, 1974 and grew up in Riverside and Hesperia, California.  In June 1992, Paul graduated from Hesperia High School in Hesperia, California. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1997 from California State University at San Bernardino.  In  1999, he was awarded a Master of Arts in Public Administration from the University of Southern California, and in 2008, he earned a Doctorate Degree (Ed. D) in Executive Leadership conferred on him by George Washington University in Washington, D.C.   Paul was sworn into the US Naval Reserve as an Ensign on April 19, 2001 in the Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.  He was assigned to Basic Reserve Training at the Office of Naval Intelligence; in April 2003 he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.  He then received orders to report on a 3 year tour of duty to the Joint Chiefs of Staff Intelligence Directorate in the Pentagon, Washington, DC.  In May 2005, Lt(jg) Chabot was promoted to Lieutenant; he returned to California and affiliated with the Fleet Intelligence Training Center as a Security Officer and the Department Head for Training  In May 2007 he was assigned as the Assistant Deputy Reserve Area Commander for Intelligence.  In January 2008, Lt Chabot was assigned as Department Head for the Homeland Security Unite with the US Third Fleet.  On February 1, 2008, Lt Chabot was mobilized for deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and reported for orientation to US Army Base, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, followed by additional training at Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  He deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, with Task Force 714 under the command of General Stanley McChrystal and served as an Asset Validation Chief, LNO in support of Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force and the HUMINT Collection Intelligence Officer.  His second half of the Iraq tour was under the direction of Admiral William McRaven, Commander Special Operations Task Force, Admiral William McRaven, and under the approval of ADM McRaven developed a strategy to combat Al Q’ieda in Iraq and created an Al Q’ieda Interagency HUMINT Working Group, which led to successful combat missions against the enemy.  Lt Chabot was responsible for fusion, analysis, and dissemination of All-Source Intelligence in support of an extremely sensitive, high priority Combat Missions.  Lt Chabot traveled throughout Iraq with Special Operations combat personnel while supporting rigorous combat operations.  On April 18, 2009, Lt Chabot returned to CONUS, was Honorably Discharged from Active Duty, was re-affiliated with the US Naval Reserve, and returned to duty with the US Third Fleet.  He was awarded the Joint Services Commendation Medal, the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Navy/Marine Corps Overseas Medal, and various Service and Campaign Medals.  In January 2010, was selected for duty with the Navy Mine Warfare and Anti-Submarine Warfare Center in San Diego (NMAWC), where he served as a Department Head for Mine Warfare and Deputy Personnel Officer.  In September 2010, Lt Chabot was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.  Lcdr Chabot became the units first fully qualified Mine Warfare Officer and served as the Intelligence Officer (N2) during an international exercise, and later as the N2 for the unit.  Lcdr Chabot serves as the Personnel Officer (N1) for Commander Pacific Fleet Intelligence Headquarters.  His awards include the Joint Services Commendation Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Navy/Marine Corps Overseas Ribbon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Badge, various Service and Campaign Medals. In his civilian capacity, Lcdr Chabot interned for Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-CA-41), served on Staff in The White House during President George W. Bush’s term in office as a Presidential Management Fellowship appointee, and has been a successful businessman.  During his nearly 6 years in the White House, Paul worked for White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, was a Senior Advisor for Law Enforcement Justice and Drug Control Program, had short term assignments in the US State Department & The Office of Inspector General assessing counter-terrorism and counter-narcotics programs.  He is a former Governor appointee as Commissioner for the State Parole Board.  He has had 20 years of service as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.  He is President and CEO of Chabot Strategies, LLC, a national security consulting firm, and is the author of “Eternal Battle Against Evil”, “How to Fight ISIS”, and “Organizational Resiliency.” Paul is a member of American Legion, the VFW, the NRA, the Navy League, the National Federation of Independent Businessmen, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, and the Masonic Order.   Paul has been endorsed for Congress by Ambassador John Bolton, California Governor Pete Wilson, (Ret) (USMC), Cong Ed Royce (R-CA-39), Cong Ken Calvert (R-CA-42), Cong Steve Knight (R-CA-25), Cong Mimi Walters (R-CA-45), Cong Doug LaMalfa (R-CA-1), Cong Jerry Lewis (Ret), Cong Mary Bono (Ret), California State Senator Mike Morrell, San Bernardino County Supervisors Janice Rutherford, San Bernardino County Supervisor Robert A. Lovingood, former San Bernardino County Republican Party Chairman Robert Rego, former San Bernardino County Republican Party Chairman Ken Willis, Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey, Upland Mayor Ray Musser, City of Grand Terrace Mayor Darcey McNaboe, Loma Linda Mayor Rhodes Rigsby (MD), Apple Valley Mayor Curt Emick, Loma Linda Mayor Pro Tem Ovidiu Popescu, Highland Mayor Pro Tem Larry McCallon, Fontana mayor Pro Tem John Roberts, Rialto Mayor Pro Tem Edward Palmer, Loma Linda Mayor Karen Gaio Hansberger (MD)(Ret), Walnut Mayor Tom king (Ret), San Bernardino Councilman John Valdivia, San Bernardo Councilman Henry Nickel, Rialto Councilmember Shawn O’Connell, City of Grand Terrace Councilman Bill Hussey, Fontana Councilmember Lydia Salazar Wibert,  Redland Councilmember Pat Gilbreath, Redlands Councilman Paul Barich, Redlands Councilman John James, Claremont Councilmember Corey Calaycay, Upland Councilmember Carol Timm, Redlands Councilman Jerry Bean (Ret), Upland Councilman Ken Willis (Ret), Etiwanda School District School Board Member Mondi Taylor, Alvord Unified School District School Board Member Ben Johnson, US Attorney Monte Stiles (Ret), US State Department INL Director Christy Campbell (Ret), CA State Parole Board Commissioner Joe Biggers (Ret), CA State Parole Board Commissioner Susan Melanson (Ret), Sheriff Gary Penrod (Ret), Undersheriff Bob Peppler (Ret), Sheriff Deputy Chief Paul Cook (Ret), Riverside Sheriff Captain Gregory Corrigan (Ret), Rancho Cucamonga Police Chief Ron Bieberdorf (Ret), Rancho Cucamonga Police Chief Paul Cappitelli (Ret), Fontana Police Chief Frank Scaildone (Ret), President CA Fire Chiefs Association Mike Warren (Ret), President CA Narcotics Officers Association Bob Cooke (Ret),  President CA Narcotics Officers Association Tom Gorman (Ret), Take Back America Chairman Roger Morgan, President International Faith Based Coalition Bishop Ron Allen, Main Street Chamber, Inland Valley Business Alliance, San Bernardino County Probation Officers Association, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and the National Defense PAC.  Paul and his wife Brenda of 10 years, have four children Christine age 7, Taylor age 6,  Savannah, age 5, and Alexander age 2; they are members of the Flipside Christian Church in Rancho Cucamonga, California.   The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Lieutenant Commander Paul Chabot, USNR, who will bring to Congress private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the 31th Congressional District of California and the Republic.  If you review Lcdr Chabot’s positions on his Web site, you will be pleased with his position on critical issues, they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement.  We look forward to working with Lcdr Chabot, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress.  If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 31th Congressional District of California, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support Lcdr Chabot by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign.  The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned.  We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of.  He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”